a measure of how a function changes as its input changes
The value of this function for a given value of its independent variable.
Examples of derivative in the following topics:
Higher Derivatives
- The derivative of an already-differentiated expression is called a higher-order derivative.
- The second derivative, or second order derivative, is the derivative of the derivative of a function.
- Furthermore, the third derivative is the derivative of the derivative of the derivative of a function, which can be represented by .
- This can continue as long as the resulting derivative is itself differentiable, with the fourth derivative, the fifth derivative, and so on.
- Any derivative beyond the first derivative can be referred to as a higher order derivative.
Nouns Derived from Verbs
Nouns derived from Nouns
Nouns derived from Verbs
Nouns derived from Adjectives
Adjectives derived from Verbs
Adjectives derived from Nouns
Adjectives derived from Adjectives
Adjectives derived from Adverbs
Verbs derived from Verbs