Examples of lobule in the following topics:
- These blood vessels subdivide into capillaries that then lead to a lobule.
- The lobes are further divided into lobules, the functional units of the liver.
- Each lobule is made up of millions of hepatic cells that are the basic metabolic cells of the liver.
- The lobes are further divided into segments and then into lobules, which are hexagonal divisions of the lungs that are the smallest visible subdivision.
- The lobes are further divided into segments and then into lobules, hexagonal divisions of the lungs that are the smallest subdivision visible to the naked eye.
- Distinguish between the right and left lungs based on their lobes, fissures, and lobules
- These alveoli join to form groups known as lobules, and each lobule has a lactiferous duct that drains into openings in the nipple.
- The myoepithelial cells can contract under the stimulation of oxytocin, excreting milk secreted from alveolar units into the lobule lumen toward the nipple where it collects in sinuses of the ducts.
- Lobules
- The thymus is of a pinkish-gray color, soft, and lobulated on its surfaces.
- The two lobes differ slightly in size, may be united or separated, and may be broken down into smaller lobules.
- Histologically, the thymus contains mature lymphocytes, immature lymphocytes, and stroma, while lobule tissues consist of an inner medulla and an outer cortex.
- They are composed of several lobules held together by a fibrous covering.
- Each lobule opens into a duct that joins with the ducts of other lobules to form a single excretory duct.
- Lung buds from a human embryo of about four weeks, showing commencing lobulations.
- Blood flows through the liver tissue and empties into the central vein of each lobule.
- A set of large folds is, by convention, used to divide the overall structure into 10 smaller lobules.
- Diagram of cross-section of testes: 1: Testicular septa 2: Convoluted seminiferous tubules 3: Testicular lobules 4: Straight seminiferous tubules 5: Efferent ductules 6: Rete testis.
- Breast cancer (malignant breast neoplasm) is a type of cancer originating from breast tissue, most commonly from the inner lining of milk ducts or the lobules that supply them.