Examples of recitation in the following topics:
- Layer one is Remembering where memory is used to produce definitions, fact charts, lists, or recitations.
- Most business writing uses the "one thing after another" approach, which is a plain recitation of the facts .
- Overall, if you have the attitude that you are communicating with an audience rather than reciting words, you are likely to succeed.
- The dominant, also called the reciting tone or tenor, was the note most often used for long recitations on the same pitch.
- Islamic tradition holds that during one of his visits to Mount Hira in the year 609 CE, the angel Gabriel appeared to him and commanded Muhammad to recite verses that would later be included in the Quran.
- It is a set statement normally recited in Arabic: lā ʾilāha ʾillā-llāhu muḥammadun rasūlu-llāh (لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا الله مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ الله) "There is no god but God (and) Muhammad is the messenger of God."
- All of these prayers are recited while facing in the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca, and are accompanied by a series of set positions including bowing with hands on knees, standing, prostrating, and sitting in a special position.
- In this case, the scales used are the same as the medieval church modes, but they do not have a reciting tone and are used much more like modern major and minor scales.
- From the standpoint of situated cognition proponents, foreign language acquisition will be more successful if the learners are immersed in conversational and cultural activities of increasing complexity and diversity, rather than concentrating on discrete-grammar exercises using recitation or paper-and-pencil worksheets.
- A university offers a field-based campus course in wildlife and research management that requires students to actively participate in activities other than those normally encountered during a lecture or recitation section of class.
- The Bush campaign sought to portray Dukakis as unreasonably left-wing and critiqued him for such positions as opposing mandatory recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in schools and being a member of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).