Examples of reconcile in the following topics:
- The person reconciling the accounts then adjusts one column by adding deposits that had not yet been recorded and subtracting checks and other outlays that had not yet been cashed when the statement had been prepared.
- This is why reconciling the bank statement is necessary.
- The income statement, specifically, net income reconciles the beginning (prior ending period) balance sheet to the current balance sheet.
- The statement of shareholder's equity reconciles changes in the equity accounts (contributed capital, other capital, treasury stock) from the beginning to the ending balance sheet.
- The statement of cash flows reconciles changes in the cash account from the beginning to the ending balance sheet.
- A clean surplus occurs when all changes in the balance sheet are reconciled by the income statement.
- In 1775, the colonies proposed the Olive Branch Petition to reconcile with Britain and avert war, but King George III denied the petition.
- When
the Second Continental Congress convened in May 1775, most delegates supported
John Dickinson in his efforts to reconcile with George III of Great Britain.
- How do you reconcile the decrease of γ with the result of constant γ for motion in a magnetic field?
- The ecumenical movement is understood to have emerged from the Roman Catholic Church's attempts reconcile with other Christians who had separated over theological issues.
- Although this is not the case with all Catholics, most ecumenical Catholics have the goal of reconciling all those with a Christian faith in a single, visible organization, through a union with the Roman Catholic Church.
- Some students admit that they see cheating as the only way to reconcile their conflicting obligations.
- Some students admit that they see cheating as the only way to reconcile their conflicting obligations.
- In a market setting, competing objectives of individuals is believed to be reconciled by voluntary transactions or exchanges.
- How do you reconcile the decrease of γ with the result of constant γfor motion in a magnetic field?
- This would include the monitoring of material moved into and out of stockroom locations and the reconciling of the inventory balances.
- Inventory, property, equipment, patents, and contributed capital accounts are re-measured at historical rates resulting in differences in total assets and liabilities plus equity which must be reconciled resulting in a re-measurement gain or loss.