A writing implement that incises lines into surfaces, such as clay.
a sharp stick used in ancient times for writing in clay tablets; a sharp tool for engraving
Examples of stylus in the following topics:
Interactive Whiteboards
- A projector projects the computer's desktop onto the board's surface where users control the computer using a finger, stylus, or other device.
Digital Art
- In this case, however, the image is on the computer screen and the instrument used to draw might be a stylus or mouse.
Properties of Quartz and Glass
- An early use of this property of quartz crystals was in phonograph pickups, where the mechanical movement of the stylus in the groove generates a proportional electrical voltage by creating stress within a crystal.
Etruscan Ceramics
- Some patterns were incised with a stylus and others with a toothed wheel or comb-like instruments to create consistent rows of dots or patterns of dots in the shape of fans.
The Imperfect Historical Record
- The woman holds a stylus and wax tablet, emphasizing that she is educated and literate.