An inadvertent adverse effect or complication resulting from medical treatment or advice.
Examples of iatrogenic in the following topics:
Pressure Ulcers
- Bedsores are often fatal and are one of the leading iatrogenic causes of death reported in developed countries.
Horner's Syndrome
- Horner's syndrome is typically acquired as a result of disease but may also be congenital (inborn) or iatrogenic (caused by medical treatment).
Chemical Composition of Bone
- Respiratory alkalosis may be produced accidentally (iatrogenically) during excessive mechanical ventilation.
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Critical incident stress management has been suggested as a means of preventing PTSD, but subsequent studies suggest the likelihood of its producing iatrogenic outcomes.
- Except for the columellar incision, the technical and procedural approaches of open rhinoplasty and of closed rhinoplasty are similar, yet the closed rhinoplasty procedure features reduced dissection (cutting) of the nasal tissues (no columellar incision), decreased potential for the excessive reduction (cutting) of the nasal-tip support, reduced post-operative edema, decreased visible scarring, decreased iatrogenic (inadvertent) damage to the nose by the surgeon, increased availability for effecting in situ procedural and technical changes, palpation that allows the surgeon to feel the interior changes effected to the nose, shorter operating room time and quicker post-surgical recovery and convalescence for the patient.
Erectile Dysfunction and the Blue Pill
Disorders of Acid-Base Balance
- Respiratory alkalosis may be produced accidentally (iatrogenically) during excessive mechanical ventilation.