Version 12
Created by Boundless
Components of a Reflex Arc
Reflex arc
The path taken by the nerve impulses in a reflex is called a reflex arc. This is shown here in response to a pin in the paw of an animal, but it is equally adaptable to any situation and animal (including humans).
This is a drawing that diagrams a reflex arc—the path taken by the nerve impulses. This picture shows a pain in the paw of an animal, but it is equally adaptable to any situation and animal (including humans). The picture shows how the nerve impulse travels from the pin prick to a sensory neuron, to a synapse, to a relay neuron, then to a motor neuron that activates a muscle movement.
Boundless vets and curates high-quality, openly licensed content from around the Internet. This particular resource used the following sources:
"Anatomy and physiology of animals A reflex arc."
CC BY 3.0.