Examples of truncate in the following topics:
- A truncated graph has a y-axis that does not start at zero.
- Graphs may also be truncated to save space.
- Commercial software such as MS Excel will tend to truncate graphs by default if the values are all within a narrow range.
- Both of these graphs display identical data; however, in the truncated bar graph on the left, the data appear to show significant differences, whereas in the regular bar graph on the right, these differences are hardly visible.
- Criticize the practices of excessive usage, biased labeling, improper scaling, truncating, and the addition of a third dimension that often result in misleading graphs.
- A truncated graph has a y-axis that does not start at 0.
- Note that both of these graphs display identical data; however, in the truncated bar graph on the left, the data appear to show significant differences, whereas in the regular bar graph on the right, these differences are hardly visible.
- Truncating and censoring of data can also be estimated using stochastic models.