Notice: Updating HIV Treatment and Viral Suppression Messages (September 7, 2017)
The goals of HIV treatment are to improve health and prevent transmission of HIV. The best marker of successful treatment is reducing the amount of HIV in the blood and elsewhere in the body to very low levels. This is called viral suppression. Three different studies of the prevention effectiveness of viral suppression to reduce the risk for sexual HIV transmission have shown similar results: across thousands of couples and many thousand acts of sex without a condom or PrEP, no HIV transmissions were observed when the HIV-positive person was virally suppressed. This means that getting and staying virally suppressed is not only the best thing people living with HIV can do to maintain their health, but also one of the best ways to prevent new infections through sex. CDC is working with other federal agencies to ensure that we consistently and accurately describe the prevention effectiveness of HIV treatment and viral suppression for sexual transmission of HIV. We will update our messages accordingly.
HIV Basics
Information on the virus, its origins, symptoms, and testing.
HIV by Group
Populations most at-risk for HIV including gay men and people of color.
HIV Risk and Prevention
Behaviors that place people at risk of contracting or transmitting HIV.
HIV Testing
Development, implementation, and evaluation of HIV testing science.
Statistics Center
HIV/AIDS statistics and surveillance and how they are used.
The on-going research on HIV prevention at CDC.
HIV in the Workplace
Resources for workplace-based HIV programs and policies.

Policy, Planning, and Strategic Communication
CDC HIV progress and strategy reports, HIV prevention initiatives, and state laws.

Program Resources
Resources for state and local organizations working in HIV prevention.

Resources for funding programs.

Guidelines and Recommendations
For clinicians, public health professionals, and providers.

Resource Library
Fact sheets, infographics, slides, reports, awareness day information, and more.

Training and Conferences
Learning center, partner materials, and training programs.

About the Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention
Learn more about the Division responsible for HIV prevention in the U.S.
- Page last reviewed: October 16, 2017
- Page last updated: October 16, 2017
- Content source: Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention