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State Activity Highlights


With support from CDC, the Oregon Asthma Network—a statewide coalition of health care providers, health plans, and community and public health organizations—worked together to develop a comprehensive state asthma plan. Oregon is currently implementing the plan, including instituting key private/public initiatives to improve the quality of health care received by people with asthma, increasing public awareness of asthma, and improving patient education materials and resources for people with asthma. Oregon is also implementing its plan to monitor the burden of asthma in the state and to measure progress in addressing asthma and will focus attention on those areas that are in particular need of asthma interventions.


With support from CDC, Michigan developed and is implementing its Michigan Asthma Strategic Plan. A diverse advisory committee made up of Michigan asthma professionals, health care plans, local public health agencies, schools, and coalitions is guiding the plan's implementation. Current activities address issues such as quality improvement in asthma care (including patient and provider education), access to care, public awareness and communication, asthma tracking, and environmental quality. The state also provides Michigan's 11 local asthma coalitions with ongoing financial and technical support to help them design, conduct, and evaluate asthma interventions in communities throughout the state.
