Chapter 6. Sources of Information

Table 6.2. Percent of mothers who obtained information about herbal or botanical preparations from each source in the past few years regardless of whether or not they gave their baby these products by infant age1,2

Infant Feeding Practices Study II

  Month 3 Month 10
A sales person at a store 3.7 8.2
Product labels or advertisements 12.3 24.3
Doctor or physician assistant 8.3 19.1
Nurse, nurse midwife, or nurse practitioner 6.1 10.1
An alternative medicine practitioner, herbalist or chiropractor 4.2 10.6
Pharmacist 2.1 5.6
Nutritionist or dietitian 1.7 3.8
Lactation consultant 4.3 6.6
Relative or friend 20.8 46.6
Birthing, baby care, or breastfeeding class 2.3 3.9
Pregnancy or breastfeeding support group 2.6 3.9
Books or videos 6.4 13.8
Newsletters 2.1 6.6
Newspapers or magazines 13.6 28.0
A web site 15.5 26.0
N 2,387 880

1Table is based on variables: M3A25A-O, MXA35A-O
Column percentages do not add up to 100% because mothers could choose all that apply