Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS)
Acetamide, N-fluoren-2-yl-
AB9450000CAS #
December 2013Molecular Weight
223.29Molecular Formula
2-Acetylamino-fluoren (German)
2-Acetylaminofluorene (OSHA)
Acetamide, N-9H-fluoren-2-yl- (9CI)
Azetylaminofluoren (German)
RCRA waste number U005
Mutation Data and Reference
System Test | Route/Organism/Tissue | Dose | Reference |
body fluid assay | Salmonella typhimurium/rat | 1600 µg/kg | PNASA6 71,737,1974 |
body fluid assay | ovary/rat | 53 mg/kg | MUREAV 143,263,1985 |
body fluid assay | Salmonella typhimurium/mouse | 20 mg/kg | MUREAV 117,79,1983 |
Cytogenetic Analysis | oral/rat | 50 mg/kg | MUREAV 251,59,1991 |
Cytogenetic Analysis | liver/rat | 10 mg/L | MUREAV 64,329,1979 |
Cytogenetic Analysis | lung/hamster | 10 mg/L | ATSUDG 4,41,1980 |
Cytogenetic Analysis | lung/hamster | 20 mg/L/2H | MUREAV 604,8,2006 |
DNA adduct | unreported route/rat | 93.8 gm/kg/12W- intermittent | TOXID9 66,181,2002 |
DNA adduct | oral/rat | 1.24 mg/kg/16W- intermittent | TOXID9 78,224,2004 |
DNA adduct | oral/mouse | 31.36 mg/kg/31D- intermittent | TOXID9 -,454,2009 |
DNA adduct | lymphocyte/wild bird | 700 pmol/plate | CNREA8 37,3756,1977 |
DNA adduct | fibroblast/human | 50 µmol/L/2H | MUREAV 484,3,2001 |
DNA adduct | intraperitoneal/rat | 50 mg/kg | MUTAEX 17,45,2002 |
DNA adduct | liver/mouse | 60 µmol/L | JJIND8 62,947,1979 |
DNA adduct | Ascites tumor/mouse | 5 µmol/L | MUREAV 89,95,1981 |
DNA adduct | /Escherichia coli | 5 µmol/L | MUREAV 89,95,1981 |
DNA adduct | HeLa cell/human | 5 µmol/L | MUREAV 89,95,1981 |
DNA adduct | other cell types/human | 1200 nmol/L | PAACA3 24,63,1983 |
DNA adduct | intraperitoneal/rat | 18 µmol/kg | CBINA8 48,15,1984 |
DNA adduct | oral/rat | 70 mg/kg | CRNGDP 15,857,1994 |
DNA adduct | oral/rat | 0.924 mg/kg/12W- intermittent | MUTAEX 26,605,2011 |
DNA Damage | oral/rat | 2.016 gm/kg/24W- intermittent | MUREAV 722,106,2011 |
DNA Damage | other cell types/mouse | 0.125 mmol/L | MUREAV 715,25,2011 |
DNA Damage | liver/rat | 2000 ppm | ENMUDM 4,667,1982 |
DNA Damage | fibroblast/human | 1 mmol/L | ENMUDM 7,267,1985 |
DNA Damage | other cell types/human | 50 µmol/L | MUREAV 468,277,2000 |
DNA Damage | /Bacillus subtilis | 1 mg/disc | PMRSDJ 1,175,1981 |
DNA Damage | liver/rat | 3 µmol/L | SinJF# 26OCT1982 |
DNA Damage | liver/rat | 50 µg/L | ENMUDM 6,427,1984 |
DNA Damage | oral/other insects | 0.25 µmol/tube | MUREAV 480-481,139,2001 |
DNA Damage | intraperitoneal/mouse | 300 mg/kg | MUREAV 493,39,2001 |
DNA Damage | oral/mouse | 600 mg/kg | MUREAV 493,39,2001 |
DNA Damage | lung/hamster | 300 µmol/L/2H | BBRCA9 72,732,1976 |
DNA Damage | oral/rat | 504 mg/kg/6W-continuous | TOXID9 12,402,2008 |
DNA Damage | oral/rat | 75 mg/kg | MUTAEX 23,233,2008 |
DNA Damage | other cell types/human | 0.1 mmol/l/48H | MUREAV 696,21,2010 |
DNA Damage | liver/human | 31.6 µmol/l/48H | MUREAV 696,21,2010 |
DNA Damage | liver/human | 1 mmol/l/48H | MUREAV 696,21,2010 |
DNA Damage | liver/mouse | 125 µmol/L/24H | MUTAEX 25,561,2010 |
DNA Damage | liver/mouse | 125 µmol/L/48H | MUTAEX 25,561,2010 |
DNA Damage | intraperitoneal/rat | 270 mg/kg/3D- intermittent | MUREAV 722,7,2011 |
DNA Damage | lung/hamster | 20 mg/L | MUREAV 604,8,2006 |
DNA Damage | liver/rat | 100 µmol/L/12H | MUREAV 519,163,2002 |
DNA Damage | liver/human | 150 µmol/L/12H | MUREAV 519,163,2002 |
DNA Damage | lung/hamster | 0.1 mmol/L/24H | MUREAV 521,57,2002 |
DNA inhibition | liver/rat | 100 nmol/L | CNREA8 45,337,1985 |
DNA inhibition | oral/rat | 420 mg/kg/6W | CNREA8 33,397,1973 |
DNA inhibition | oral/mouse | 160 mg/kg | CBINA8 5,153,1972 |
DNA inhibition | intraperitoneal/mouse | 200 mg/kg | MUREAV 46,305,1977 |
DNA repair | oral/Drosophila melanogaster | 500 mg/L | MUREAV 290,175,1993 |
DNA repair | /Escherichia coli | 10 mg/L | JJIND8 62,873,1979 |
DNA repair | /Schizosaccharomyces pombe | 2800 nmol/L | CNJGA8 24,771,1982 |
DNA repair | liver/rat | 1 µmol/L | JJCREP 79,204,1988 |
DNA repair | ovary/hamster | 6.25 µmol/L/18H | MUREAV 564,139,2004 |
DNA repair | oral/rat | 504 mg/kg/6W-continuous | TOXID9 12,402,2008 |
gene conversion and mitotic recombination | /Saccharomyes cerevisiae | 1 gm/L | PMRSDJ 1,434,1981 |
host-mediated assay | Salmonella typhimurium/mouse | 495 mg/kg | JJIND8 62,911,1979 |
host-mediated assay | Salmonella typhimurium/rat | 90 mg/kg/5D | AJCNAC 30,1921,1977 |
micronucleus test | intraperitoneal/mouse | 2 mg/kg | PMRSDJ 1,686,1981 |
micronucleus test | oral/mouse | 75 mg/kg | MUREAV 223,361,1989 |
micronucleus test | oral/rat | 50 mg/kg | MUREAV 251,59,1991 |
micronucleus test | other cell types/human | 0.17 µmol/L/20H | MUREAV 536,79,2003 |
micronucleus test | other cell types/mouse | 31.25 mg/L/4H (+enzymatic activation step) | MUTAEX 14,403,1999 |
micronucleus test | unreported route/rat | 6720 mg/kg/28D | MUREAV 680,31,2009 |
micronucleus test | ovary/hamster | 333 µmol/L/24H (-enzymatic activation step) | MUREAV 630,1,2007 |
micronucleus test | ovary/hamster | 100 µmol/L/3H (+enzymatic activation step) | MUREAV 724,7,2011 |
micronucleus test | liver/human | 0.17 µmol/L/20H | MUREAV 536,79,2003 |
micronucleus test | mammary gland/mouse | 28 mg/L/3H (+enzymatic activation step) | MUREAV 540,153,2003 |
micronucleus test | intraperitoneal/hamster | 2 gm/kg | MUREAV 43,255,1977 |
micronucleus test | embryo/hamster | 1 µmol/L | MUREAV 203,397,1988 |
micronucleus test | lung/hamster | 100 mg/L | MUREAV 468,137,2000 |
morphological transform | intraperitoneal/hamster | 750 mg/kg | ARPAAQ 95,380,1973 |
morphological transform | kidney/hamster | 80 µg/L | BJCAAI 37,873,1978 |
morphological transform | embryo/hamster | 12500 µg/L | JJIND8 67,1303,1981 |
morphological transform | intraperitoneal/rat | 200 mg/kg | CRNGDP 10,435,1989 |
morphological transform | oral/rat | 480 mg/kg/8W- intermittent | CRNGDP 5,171,1984 |
morphological transform | embryo/rat | 100 µg/L | JJIND8 67,1303,1981 |
morphological transform | liver/rat | 100 µmol/L | CNREA8 43,5087,1983 |
morphological transform | mammary gland/mouse | 1 µg/L | CNREA8 39,1784,1979 |
morphological transform | fibroblast/mouse | 10 mg/L/48H | MUREAV 744,20,2012 |
morphological transform | embryo/mouse | 20 mg/L/72H | MUREAV 702,100,2010 |
morphological transform | embryo/mouse | 5 mg/L/10D | MUREAV 702,100,2010 |
morphological transform | oral/rat | 232.96 mg/kg/104W- intermittent | MUTAEX 26,605,2011 |
mutation in mammalian somatic cells | liver/rat | 1 µmol/L | MUREAV 130,53,1984 |
mutation in mammalian somatic cells | lymphocyte/human | 25 µmol/L | ENMUDM 4,304,1982 |
mutation in mammalian somatic cells | lymphocyte/mouse | 15 mg/L | MUREAV 125,291,1984 |
mutation in mammalian somatic cells | oral/rat | 360 mg/kg/30D-continuous | CALEDQ 143,249,1999 |
mutation in microorganisms | lymphocyte/mouse | 12300 µg/L (+enzymatic activation step) | EMMUEG 12(Suppl 13),37,1988 |
mutation in microorganisms | /Salmonella typhimurium | 15 µg/plate (+enzymatic activation step) | MUREAV 498,107,2001 |
mutation in microorganisms | /Escherichia coli | 64 mg/L/16H | MUREAV 493,127,2001 |
mutation in microorganisms | /Salmonella typhimurium | 1 nmol/plate/20M | EMMUEG 38,268,2001 |
mutation in microorganisms | ovary/hamster | 20 mg/L (+enzymatic activation step) | MUREAV 112,329,1983 |
mutation in microorganisms | /Salmonella typhimurium | 4 mg/L/72H (+enzymatic activation step) | MUREAV 558,181,2004 |
mutation in microorganisms | /Salmonella typhimurium | 100 µg/plate/72H | MUREAV 558,145,2004 |
mutation in microorganisms | mammary gland/Salmonella typhimurium | 50 µg/plate/24H (+enzymatic activation step) | EMMUEG 41,55,2002 |
mutation in microorganisms | /Salmonella typhimurium | 0.05 mg/plate/45M (+enzymatic activation step) | TCMUD8 22,285,2002 |
mutation in microorganisms | /Salmonella typhimurium | 50 µg/plate/72H (+enzymatic activation step) | MUTAEX 14,323,1999 |
mutation in microorganisms | /Salmonella typhimurium | 2 µmol/L/16H (+enzymatic activation step) | EMMUEG 46,126,2005 |
mutation in microorganisms | /Salmonella typhimurium | 1.1 µmol/L/48H | EMMUEG 46,126,2005 |
mutation in microorganisms | /Salmonella typhimurium | 2.5 µg/plate/20M (+enzymatic activation step) | MUTAEX 20,217,2005 |
mutation in microorganisms | /Salmonella typhimurium | 1 µg/plate | MUREAV 577S,1,2005 |
mutation in microorganisms | /Salmonella typhimurium | 10 µg/plate/48H | EMMUEG 47,95,2006 |
mutation in microorganisms | /Salmonella typhimurium | 2.5 µg/plate/48H (+enzymatic activation step) | MUTAEX 20,217,2005 |
mutation in microorganisms | /Saccharomyes cerevisiae | 313 mg/L/18H (+enzymatic activation step) | MUREAV 653,63,2008 |
mutation in microorganisms | /Saccharomyes cerevisiae | 100 mg/L (+enzymatic activation step) | CPBTAL 33,1576,1985 |
mutation in microorganisms | /Schizosaccharomyces pombe | 100 µg/L (+/-enzymatic activation step) | PMRSDJ 1,424,1981 |
mutation in microorganisms | /Other microorganisms | 200 µg/plate (+enzymatic activation step) | CBINA8 22,297,1978 |
mutation in microorganisms | /Salmonella typhimurium | 300 ng/plate (-enzymatic activation step) | ENMUDM 6(Suppl 2),1,1984 |
mutation in microorganisms | /Escherichia coli | 100 µg/plate (+enzymatic activation step) | PMRSDJ 1,387,1981 |
mutation in microorganisms | lymphocyte/mouse | 40 mg/L (+enzymatic activation step) | ENMUDM 7(Suppl 3),10,1985 |
other mutation test systems | oral/mouse | 160 mg/kg | CBINA8 5,153,1972 |
other mutation test systems | oral/rat | 72 mg/kg/3D-continuous | EXMPA6 31,333,1979 |
other mutation test systems | oral/rat | 420 mg/kg/6W | CNREA8 33,397,1973 |
other mutation test systems | /Escherichia coli | 100 µmol/L | MUREAV 203,81,1988 |
other mutation test systems | /Salmonella typhimurium | 50 mg/L | MUREAV 192,239,1987 |
other mutation test systems | intraperitoneal/mouse | 300 mg/kg | MUREAV 747,164,2012 |
phage inhibition capacity | /Escherichia coli | 200 mg/L | PMRSDJ 1,224,1981 |
sex chromosome loss and nondisjunction | parenteral/silkworm | 500 µg | KIKNAJ (28),71,1977 |
sex chromosome loss and nondisjunction | /Saccharomyes cerevisiae | 50 mg/L | PMRSDJ 1,468,1981 |
sex chromosome loss and nondisjunction | oral/rat | 50 mg/kg | CRNGDP 17,1051,1996 |
sex chromosome loss and nondisjunction | liver/hamster | 100 mg/L | PMRSDJ 5,397,1985 |
sister chromatid exchange | intraperitoneal/hamster | 50 mg/kg | MUREAV 113,33,1983 |
sister chromatid exchange | ovary/hamster | 100 µmol/L/150M | MUREAV 58,103,1978 |
sister chromatid exchange | oral/hamster | 50 mg/kg | MUREAV 113,33,1983 |
sister chromatid exchange | liver/hamster | 6 mg/L | MUREAV 207,69,1988 |
sister chromatid exchange | intraperitoneal/rabbit | 3 mg/kg | MUREAV 58,321,1978 |
sister chromatid exchange | parenteral/chicken | 3125 ng/kg | ENMUDM 2,435,1980 |
sister chromatid exchange | intraperitoneal/mouse | 20 mg/kg | MUREAV 157,181,1985 |
sister chromatid exchange | intraperitoneal/rat | 100 mg/kg | MUREAV 91,363,1981 |
sister chromatid exchange | skin/rat | 100 mg/kg | MUREAV 91,363,1981 |
sister chromatid exchange | liver/rat | 4500 µmol/L | MUREAV 93,409,1982 |
sister chromatid exchange | other cell types/rat | 400 µmol/L | MUREAV 93,409,1982 |
sister chromatid exchange | oral/rat | 25 mg/kg | MUREAV 251,59,1991 |
sister chromatid exchange | lymphocyte/human | 4400 µg/L | CNREA8 40,4775,1980 |
specific locus test | oral/other insects | 1000 ppm | MUREAV 268,155,1992 |
specific locus test | parenteral/Drosophila melanogaster | 20 mmol/L | IJCNAW 9,284,1972 |
specific locus test | intraperitoneal/mouse | 223 mg/kg | MUREAV 117,201,1983 |
specific locus test | oral/rat | 6 mg/kg/4D-continuous | CALEDQ 135,215,1999 |
specific locus test | oral/Drosophila melanogaster | 1 mmol/L/24H | MUREAV 514,87,2002 |
specific locus test | ovary/hamster | 5 mg/L/9D | EMMUEG 16,260,1990 |
specific locus test | lung/hamster | 1 µmol/L/24H | MUREAV 521,57,2002 |
specific locus test | other cell types/human | 2.6 mg/L/16H (-enzymatic activation step) | MUREAV 724,76,2011 |
specific locus test | other cell types/human | 1.1 mg/L/16H (+enzymatic activation step) | MUREAV 724,76,2011 |
specific locus test | other cell types/human | 50 mg/L/3H (+enzymatic activation step) | MUTAEX 24,35,2009 |
sperm morphology | intraperitoneal/mouse | 625 mg/kg/5D-continuous | MUREAV 124,235,1983 |
Unscheduled DNA Synthesis | liver/mouse | 10 µmol/L | ENMUDM 5,1,1983 |
Unscheduled DNA Synthesis | other cell types/rat | 3200 µmol/L | SHKKAN 22,300,1980 |
Unscheduled DNA Synthesis | sperm/rat | 100 µmol/L | ENMUDM 6,273,1984 |
Unscheduled DNA Synthesis | intraperitoneal/rat | 10 mg/kg | CALEDQ 22,211,1984 |
Unscheduled DNA Synthesis | /Salmonella typhimurium | 1 µg | ECEBDI 50,271,1982 |
Unscheduled DNA Synthesis | fibroblast/human | 100 µmol/L/5H | IJCNAW 16,284,1975 |
Unscheduled DNA Synthesis | HeLa cell/human | 10 µmol/L | CNREA8 38,2621,1978 |
Unscheduled DNA Synthesis | liver/human | 1 µmol/L | BANRDU 13,101,1982 |
Unscheduled DNA Synthesis | liver/rat | 2 µg/L | MUREAV 190,159,1987 |
Unscheduled DNA Synthesis | oral/rat | 5 mg/kg | MUREAV 150,383,1985 |
Unscheduled DNA Synthesis | liver/human | 0.1 µmol/L/44H | MUREAV 559,211,2004 |
Unscheduled DNA Synthesis | liver/human | 0.00002 µmol/L/24H | FCTOD7 39,999,2001 |
Unscheduled DNA Synthesis | liver/rat | 0.1 mg/L/18H | MUREAV 472,75,2000 |
Unscheduled DNA Synthesis | other cell types/rabbit | 10 µmol/L | CRNGDP 8,401,1987 |
Unscheduled DNA Synthesis | liver/hamster | 10 nmol/L | ENMUDM 6,1,1984 |
Reproductive Effects Data and References
Route/Organism | Dose | Effect | Reference |
intraperitoneal/mouse | 100 mg/kg (10D pregnant) | Reproductive: Effects on embryo or fetus: Fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stunted fetus) Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Musculoskeletal system | KAIZAN 37,239,1962 |
intraperitoneal/mouse | 100 mg/kg (8D pregnant) | Reproductive: Effects on fertility: Post- implantation mortality (e.g., dead and/or resorbed implants per total number of implants) | KAIZAN 37,239,1962 |
intraperitoneal/mouse | 625 mg/kg (5D male) | Reproductive: Paternal effects: Spermatogenesis (including genetic material, sperm morphology, motility, and count) | MUREAV 124,235,1983 |
intraperitoneal/mouse | 2500 mg/kg (5D male) | Reproductive: Paternal effects: Testes, epididymis, sperm duct | MUREAV 124,235,1983 |
oral/rat | 300 mg/kg (9D pregnant) | Reproductive: Specific developmental abnormalities: Central nervous system | IARCCD 4,112,1973 |
Tumorigenic Data and References
Route/Organism | Dose | Effect | Reference |
implant/mouse | lowest published toxic dose: 96 mg/kg | Tumorigenic: Equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Bladder tumors | GMCRDC 17,383,1975 |
implant/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 22 mg/kg | Tumorigenic: Equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria Skin and Appendages: Tumors Tumorigenic: Tumors at site of application | CNREA8 33,2489,1973 |
intraperitoneal/mouse | lowest published toxic dose: 60 mg/kg/2W- intermittent | Tumorigenic: Neoplastic by RTECS criteria Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Tumors | TXAPA9 82,19,1986 |
intraperitoneal/rabbit | lowest published toxic dose: 3600 mg/kg/40W- intermittent | Tumorigenic: Equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Bladder tumors | CNREA8 27,838,1967 |
intraperitoneal/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 192 mg/kg/4W- intermittent | Tumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Tumors Skin and Appendages: Tumors | CNREA8 32,1554,1972 |
intratracheal/hamster | lowest published toxic dose: 8800 mg/kg/73W- intermittent | Tumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Bladder tumors | JNCIAM 50,503,1973 |
multiple/hamster | lowest published toxic dose: 3370 mg/kg/37W- intermittent | Tumorigenic: Equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Bladder tumors | INURAQ 14,206,1976 |
oral/cat | lowest published toxic dose: 11 gm/kg/69W- continuous | Tumorigenic: Equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Tumors | CNREA8 11,280,1951 |
oral/chicken | lowest published toxic dose: 2800 mg/kg/13W- intermittent | Tumorigenic: Equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria Gastrointestinal: Tumors Liver: Tumors | BJCAAI 9,163,1955 |
oral/Dog | lowest published toxic dose: 2625 mg/kg/25W- continuous | Tumorigenic: Neoplastic by RTECS criteria Liver: Tumors | CNREA8 10,266,1950 |
oral/hamster | lowest published toxic dose: 9240 mg/kg/44W- continuous | Tumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria Liver: Tumors | GANNA2 59,239,1968 |
oral/mouse | toxic dose: 13 gm/kg/53W- continuous | Tumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria Liver: Tumors Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Bladder tumors | JCPCBR 19,591,1979 |
oral/mouse | toxic dose: 13140 mg/kg/1Y- continuous | Tumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria Liver: Tumors Skin and Appendages: Tumors | TXAPA9 41,535,1977 |
oral/mouse | lowest published toxic dose: 792.8 mg/kg/12W- continuous | Tumorigenic: Equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria Gastrointestinal: Colon tumors Tumorigenic: Increased incidence of tumors in susceptible strains | MUREAV 477,125,2001 |
oral/mouse | lowest published toxic dose: 2738 mg/kg/2.5Y- continuous | Tumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria Liver: Tumors Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Bladder tumors | JTEHD6 33,327,1991 |
oral/mouse | lowest published toxic dose: 7840 mg/kg/49W- continuous | Tumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria Liver: Tumors Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Bladder tumors | EJCAAH 5,41,1969 |
oral/rabbit | lowest published toxic dose: 6500 mg/kg/65W- intermittent | Tumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Bladder tumors Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Kidney tumors | PAMIAD 32,177,1968 |
oral/rabbit | toxic dose: 14 gm/kg/56W- intermittent | Tumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Bladder tumors Reproductive: Tumorigenic effects: Ovarian tumors | CNREA8 27,838,1967 |
oral/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 4368 mg/kg/2Y- continuous | Tumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria Liver: Tumors Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Bladder tumors | JJCREP 84,237,1993 |
oral/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 672 mg/kg/8W- continuous | Tumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria Liver: Tumors | TXAPA9 74,63,1984 |
oral/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 1.008 mg/kg/6W- continuous | Tumorigenic: Neoplastic by RTECS criteria Blood: Tumors Tumorigenic: Facilitates action of known carcinogens | CALEDQ 154,121,2000 |
oral/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 60 mg/kg/3D- intermittent | Tumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria Liver: Tumors Tumorigenic: Facilitates action of known carcinogens | TXCYAC 171,161,2002 |
oral/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 60 mg/kg | Tumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria Liver: Tumors Tumorigenic: Facilitates action of known carcinogens | TXCYAC 200,69,2004 |
oral/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 1750 mg/kg/25W- intermittent | Tumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria Liver: Tumors Tumorigenic: Facilitates action of known carcinogens | TXAPA9 194,132,2004 |
oral/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 105 mg/kg/2W- intermittent | Tumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria Liver: Tumors Tumorigenic: Facilitates action of known carcinogens | ARTODN 78,460,2004 |
oral/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 420 mg/kg/6W | Tumorigenic: Equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria Liver: Tumors Tumorigenic: Facilitates action of known carcinogens | FCTOD7 49,434,2011 |
oral/rat | toxic dose: 1344 mg/kg/16W- continuous | Tumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria Liver: Tumors Liver: Hepatitis, fibrous (cirrhosis, post- necrotic scarring) | TXAPA9 19,687,1971 |
oral/rat | toxic dose: 2940 mg/kg/35W- continuous | Tumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria Liver: Tumors Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain | TXAPA9 19,687,1971 |
oral/rat | toxic dose: 2100 mg/kg/25W- continuous | Tumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria Liver: Tumors | CALEDQ 19,55,1983 |
oral/rat | toxic dose: 1220 mg/kg/19W- continuous | Tumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria Liver: Tumors Skin and Appendages: Tumors | CNREA8 22,1002,1962 |
oral/rat | toxic dose: 2100 mg/kg/30W- continuous | Tumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria Skin and Appendages: Tumors | TXAPA9 5,526,1963 |
oral/rat | toxic dose: 2610 mg/kg/23W- continuous | Tumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria Liver: Tumors Skin and Appendages: Tumors | JNCIAM 10,1201,1950 |
parenteral/chicken | lowest published toxic dose: 3430 mg/kg/3Y | Tumorigenic: Equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Tumors Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Kidney tumors | BJCAAI 8,147,1954 |
parenteral/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 1700 mg/kg/17W- intermittent | Tumorigenic: Equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria Gastrointestinal: Tumors Skin and Appendages: Tumors | CNREA8 6,617,1946 |
skin/rat | toxic dose: 2590 mg/kg/23W- intermittent | Tumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria Ear: Tumors Liver: Tumors | CNREA8 28,234,1968 |
skin/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 260 mg/kg/71W- intermittent | Tumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria Endocrine: Adrenal cortex tumors Skin and Appendages: Tumors | JNCIAM 10,1201,1950 |
subcutaneous/mouse | lowest published toxic dose: 400 mg/kg (15D pregnant) | Tumorigenic: Equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria Reproductive: Tumorigenic effects: Transplacental tumorigenesis Liver: Tumors | IJCNAW 20,293,1977 |
subcutaneous/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 2600 mg/kg/43W- intermittent | Tumorigenic: Carcinogenic by RTECS criteria Liver: Tumors | JJCREP 85,794,1994 |
Acute Toxicity Data and References
Route/Organism | Dose | Effect | Reference |
implant/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 280 mg/kg | Liver: Other changes Blood: Changes in serum composition (e.g. TP, bilirubin, cholesterol) Biochemical: Metabolism (intermediary): Lipids including transport | TXCYAC 196,155,2004 |
intraperitoneal/mouse | lethal dose (50 percent kill): 470 mg/kg | ENTOX* -,512,2005 | |
intraperitoneal/mouse | lowest published lethal dose: 2200 mg/kg | MUREAV 747,164,2012 | |
intraperitoneal/rat | Lethal dose: >200 mg/kg | ARTODN 56,151,1985 | |
oral/mouse | lethal dose (50 percent kill): 810 mg/kg | ENTOX* -,512,2005 | |
oral/mouse | lethal dose (50 percent kill): 810 mg/kg | Peripheral Nerve and Sensation: Spastic paralysis with/without sensory change Behavioral: Altered sleep time (including change in righting reflex) Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Other changes in urine composition | PSEBAA 143,1117,1973 |
oral/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 150 mg/kg | Liver: Changes in liver weight Endocrine: Changes in thymus weight Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain | CTSRCS 288,371,1997 |
oral/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 345 mg/kg | Skin and Appendages: Other: Breast Tumorigenic: Tumor types after systemic administration not seen spontaneously | NATUAS 189,204,1961 |
oral/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 517.5 mg/kg | Behavioral: General anesthetic | NATUAS 189,204,1961 |
Tank with water/Zebrafish | lethal concentration (50 percent kill): 6.9 µmol/L 3D | TXCYAC 281,25,2011 | |
Tank with water/Zebrafish | Lowest published lethal concentration: 5 µmol/L 3D | Aquatic organism effects: Growth retardation Reproductive: Other developmental abnormalities | TXCYAC 281,25,2011 |
unreported route/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 1000 mg/kg | Liver: Other changes Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.) | TOLED5 188,91,2009 |
unreported route/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 100 mg/kg | Liver: Tumors | TOLED5 188,91,2009 |
Other Multiple Dose Data and References
Route/Organism | Dose | Effect | Reference |
oral/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 564 mg/kg/3W- continuous | Liver: Fatty liver degeneration Liver: Hepatitis, fibrous (cirrhosis, post- necrotic scarring) Liver: Other changes | APJAAG 36,1039,1986 |
oral/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 336 mg/kg/16W- continuous | Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain | TOSCF2 55,44,2000 |
oral/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 42 mg/kg/2W- continuous | Liver: Other changes | TOSCF2 55,44,2000 |
oral/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 672 mg/kg/16W- continuous | Tumorigenic: Cells (cultured) transformed | TOSCF2 55,44,2000 |
oral/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 1344 mg/kg/4W- continuous | Liver: Hepatitis (hepatocellular necrosis), zonal | TOSCF2 55,44,2000 |
oral/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 40 mg/kg/5D- intermittent | Liver: Other changes | TOXID9 72,360,2003 |
oral/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 94.1 mg/kg/16W- intermittent | Liver: Other changes | TOXID9 78,224,2004 |
oral/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 504 mg/kg/6W- continuous | Liver: Other changes Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Changes in: Other metals Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Other enzymes | TOXID9 12,402,2008 |
oral/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 232.96 mg/kg/104W- intermittent | Liver: Tumors | MUTAEX 26,605,2011 |
unreported route/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 84 mg/kg/28D- intermittent | Liver: Other changes | TOXID9 -,132,2009 |
unreported route/rat | lowest published toxic dose: 7.88 gm/kg/12W- intermittent | Liver: Changes in liver weight | TOXID9 66,181,2002 |
Organization | Standard | Reference |
TOXICOLOGY REVIEW | 32XPAD -,49,1975 | |
TOXICOLOGY REVIEW | 85CVA2 5,63,1970 | |
TOXICOLOGY REVIEW | TOPADD 32(Suppl. 2),85,2004 | |
TOXICOLOGY REVIEW | JTPAE7 19,111,2006 | |
Standards and Regulations
Organization | Standard | Reference |
Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) STANDARD | air-SUSPECTED CARCINOGEN | DTLWS* 3,8,1973 |
Occupational Exposure Limit-SWEDEN | Group A Carcinogen, JUN2005 | |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit (Construction) | see Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 29,1926.1114 | CFRGBR 29,1926.55,1994 |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit (General Industry) | see Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 29,1910.1014 | CFRGBR 29,1910.1000,1994 |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit (Shipyards) | see Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 29,1915.1014 | CFRGBR 29,1915.1000,1993 |
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)-cancer suspect agent | CFRGBR 29,1910.1014,1987 |
NIOSH Documentation and Surveillance
Organization | Standard | Reference |
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Recommended Exposure Level TO 2-ACETYLAMINOFLUORENE-air | Carcinogen use 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1910.1014 | NIOSH* DHHS #92-100,1992 |
National Occupational Exposure Survey 1983 | Hazard Code X6612; Number of Industries 1; Total Number of Facilities 75; Number of Occupations 1; Total Number of Employees Exposed 373 |
Status in Federal Agencies
- Page last reviewed:March 7, 2014
- Page last updated:February 6, 2017
- Content source:
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Education and Information Division