Lesson 4: Google Meet Mobile App


Google Meet mobile app

Most of us have our smartphone or tablet nearby to talk to coworkers, family members, and friends. Instead of calling or emailing, you can virtually connect face-to-face with a simple video call. In this lesson, we'll teach you how to video chat using the Google Meet mobile app. 

Watch the video below to learn how to use the Google Meet mobile app.

Getting started

To begin, you’ll need to download the app to your smartphone or tablet.

Google Meet app

Next, open the app followed by logging into your Google account.

Google account logged in

Joining a meeting

At the top of the screen, there are two buttons to choose from. If you have already received a code, you can enter it in by tapping the Join with a code button.

Join with a code button

Type it in the field. Then, tap Join.

typing the code followed by tapping Join

Three ways to host a meeting

If you prefer to host the meeting, tap the New meeting button.

New meeting button

A pop-up menu appears with three options. Let's take a look at them.

New meeting options

Option 1 - Link to a meeting

  1. Let’s tap Get a meeting link to share
    tapping Get a meeting link to share
  2. The dialog box appears with a link that you can copy and share with those you want to invite to the video chat. It is best to save the link so you can return to it later.
    copying meeting link
  3. Depending on the device you are using, the Share invite button will have different options. In this example, we can text, email, or share it via social media.
    Share invite options

Option 2 - Plan a meeting

  1. Let's tap the Schedule in Google Calendar option.
    tapping Schedule in Google Calendar
  2. The Google Calendar app will open if you have it on your phone.
    Google Calendar app
  3. You can fill in the Google Calendar event information to set up a future video call. Also, notice that the Google Meet video details are already added to the event.

    setting up a future video call

Option 3 - Instant meeting

  1. Let’s tap Start an instant meeting.
    tapping Start an instant meeting
  2. Since you are the host of the meeting, you will be the only one in the meeting until others join.
    only one in the meeting
  3. If someone tries to join the meeting that was not invited, a dialog box appears giving you the options of Deny entry or Admit. For our example, we’ll tap Admit because we know the person.
    tapping Admit

People and Info Tabs

  1. Within the video call, there are features to explore. Looking at the top of the screen, tap the video call’s code.
    tapping the video call code
  2. The People Tab lets you know who is in the call. As the organizer of the meeting, you can tap the three horizontal dots next to a participant’s name to Mute a particular person. In order to talk, the person will have to unmute themselves.
    tap the horizontal dots to mute
  3. You can also tap the three vertical dots.
    tapping the vertical dots
  4. A menu appears giving you another way to Mute them, Pin their video tile to your main screen, and Remove them from the video call. Pinning their video tile lets you only see that person.
    mute pin or remove options
  5. Tap Cancel to exit out of the menu.
    tapping Cancel
  6. Next, tap the Info Tab.
    tapping the Info Tab
  7. If you need to copy the joining info, you can do so here.
    viewing the Joining Info
  8. To exit this menu, tap the down arrow in the top-left corner of the screen.
    tapping the down arrow

Camera and audio icons

  • In the top right-corner, there is the flip camera icon to switch between the front camera and the back camera.
    flip camera icon
  • In this example, the audio icon lets you choose either iPhone or Speaker. If you don’t want to have the phone near your ear, you can choose the Speaker option, which amplifies the sound for you and those near you to hear.
    audio icon options

Main screen feature

If you want to see yourself on the main screen instead of the little screen, tap the three dots on the little screen.

three dots on the little screen

The person you are talking to will now become the little screen.

person you are talking to becomes the little screen

Three dots menu

Looking at the icons at the bottom, tap the vertical three dots. A pop-up menu appears showing you more Google Meet mobile features.

three dots button
  • If you want to invite more people to the call, you can tap Add others.
    Add others feature
  • To message people within the video call, tap In call messages. We'll talk more about sending messages later in this lesson.

    In call messages feature
  • To show guests in the video call your screen, tap Share screen. This is a helpful feature if you are presenting via a tablet or smartphone. It is different from the desktop process because you can’t choose a browser tab in the mobile app. The whole screen is shown! Before selecting this option, make sure that your phone or tablet is presentation ready.
    Share screen feature

To send a message:

  1. From the three dots menu, tap the In call messages feature.

    In call messages feature
  2. Type your message in the field. Then, tap the arrow button to send it. Keep in mind that only people in the call can see the message and they are deleted when you end the meeting. If someone sends an attachment, you can also find it here.
    typing the message then tapping the arrow button to send it
  3. To close out of In call messages, tap the X.
    tapping the X to close out of In call messages

Changing screens

Two features that are not available on mobile is the ability to change your background and the ability to change the layout of your screen. If you are talking to more than two people, you can change who you see on your main screen by tapping each person's little screen's three dots.

little screen three dots

You will now see that person on your main screen.

person on the main screen changed

Basic video call functions

Looking at the bottom of your screen, there are three icons that are the basic video call functions.

  • The microphone icon helps you turn on or off your microphone. Some people like to mute themselves so no one can hear their background noise.
    microphone icon
  • The video icon turns on or off your video camera. Some people turn off their camera so no one can see them. 
    camera icon
  • When you are done video chatting, tap the red end call button.
    end call button