The Children's Math Worlds project seeks to integrate students' social,
emotional, and cultural experiences into classroom mathematics. For seven
years, we have been developing in classrooms a conceptually challenging
research?based mathematics curriculum called Children's Math Worlds (CMW)
for kindergarten through grade 3. We build on the individual experiences,
interests, and practical mathematics knowledge that diverse children bring
to our classrooms. Our collaborative research project has been, and is
being, carried out in urban schools of underrepresented minorities, mostly
Latino English?speaking and Latino Spanish?speaking children, and in English?speaking
upper?middle?class schools to ensure that our work crosses socioeconomic
boundaries. The CMW family component was described in De La Cruz (1999).
See that article for data concerning the excellent comparative performance
of CMW children.
this article, we focus on two central, related activities of CMW: (1)
linking mathematical activities in the classroom to children's mathematical
experiences outside of school and (2) creating a rich and sustained environment
for learning to write, solve, and explain ways of solving word problems.
Solving word problems has traditionally been difficult for many children,
especially those for whom English is a second language. Word problems
are often neglected and not assigned to these children. We have found
that centering our classes on such problems, using problems of increasing
difficulty, and supporting language use by children enable them to solve
word problems readily. For more details, see Fuson et al. (1997). In our
following description, we weave in voices of some of our classroom teachers
to comment on various aspects of teaching using children's lives.
UNDERPINNINGS OF THE CURRICULUM Our project uses a Vygotskian
model for unfolding, formulating, and solving mathematics problems from
children's experience. This model describes one way in which teachers
build on children's prior knowledge about various situations to facilitate
students' construction of understandings of formal mathematical concepts,
symbolism, and problems (see Fuson et al. [1997] for more details). The
unfolding multiple narratives of different children's experiences provide
a framework that is co?constructed by the teacher and children and within
which teachers relate new mathematical ideas to children's lives. This
building on children's knowledge is balanced by the other vital Vygotskian
aspect of our approach: teaching within the "zone of proximal development"
(ZPD). The ZPD, or learning zone, is what children can accomplish with
assistance. The teacher leads children from a starting point to more advanced
mathematical knowledge. This knowledge includes being better at listening,
explaining and helping one another understand; learning more advanced,
efficient, and accurate solution methods; and learning mathematical symbolism,
language, and new ideas. The teacher, and eventually other children, help
students progress in all these ways. The teacher is guided by an ambitious
vision of the growth in children's knowledge by the end of the year and
is supported by the CMW curriculum.
are eager and ready to share their stories. Others are initially too shy
to relate their stories to the class, so they draw or write their stories.
Eventually all children participate. Asking children to bring photographs
from home either about a trip or any other subject can produce intriguing
stories and can give teachers insights into the children's lives. Children
enjoy listening to one another's stories. Since each story gives some
insight into that child's life, children believe that they are a part
of a dynamic class. Stories can be told at other times of the day and
told again during mathematics class, perhaps by another child, to emphasize
listening and remembering. Each child's story can be repeated during the
year to foster ongoing coherence and inclusion. Mathematical aspects can
be expanded, and nonmathematical points can be discussed in other subject
areas. Children enjoy hearing their story mentioned again in class. Using
children's stories in these ways involves teaching and learning processes
that develop thinking and creativity and facilitate children's emerging
mental, oral, and written competence with language and mathematics.
classroom teacher made these comments: In different years, different themes
have emerged from the class and from other nonmath activities we are doing.
One year, we began with a story of a child whose grandmother made and
sold candy in Mexico. We worked on lots of stories about packaging candy
to buy and sell, made candy using the grandmother's recipe, and had a
bake sale for another grade. The whole math curriculum for that year was
developed around these and other stories about buying and selling. In
another year in first grade, we began with a child whose dog was back
in Mexico. The grandfather gives the dog five bones a day. We made many
stories about how many bones Paco has had and about feeding and taking
care of other animals. To enrich these stories, we may bring people from
the business community, as well as family members, to talk to the students
about math in their lives or their jobs.
LISTENING, AND DESCRIBING The teacher first develops the whole?class
understanding of the child's story by asking other children to tell the
story in their own words and to ask and answer questions about the story.
This phase facilitates listening, memory, and participation as well as
understanding. The teacher has the children ask questions about mathematical
aspects of the story. Children become very good at asking questions about
a situation. Posing the question is usually the most difficult part of
writing a word problem for children, so whole?class modeling and practice
in asking questions are very helpful. Less?advanced children can participate
well in this phase.
One teacher describe her experience in this way: It has not been easy
for me to move from the old paper?and?pencil math to developing a language
of inquiry to support math understanding. Encouraging students to draw
their problems and answers, to act out situations, to work sometimes in
pairs, and to have students explain their math thinking can be a struggle.
But if we want children to feel free to take risks, we have to take them,
too. Frustration many times precedes insight, for children and for teachers.
This task of understanding math becomes easier when we bring children's
experiences into the classroom. Meaning emerges from context and connectedness.
story, the teacher focuses on its potential mathematical aspects by posing
a story that contains complex real?world attributes but that omits many
nonmathematical elements. Some children retell this story in their own
words and ask and answer questions about it so that the class understands
this new version. This information is then further restricted to a particular
situation that occurs within the context of the story. Children pose questions
about different kinds of problem situations, one of which will be chosen
to represent a typical word problem. After this process has been completed,
the teacher can use only parts of this process on some days.
teacher related this scenario: In my second?grade class, children told
many stories about going to the store with their family. The children
then generated several possible questions about the situation and made
word problems about the situation.
the problem?solving phase, in which children solve problems individually
using their own mathematics drawings. The core of problem solving is understanding
the situation. Drawing the situation engages children in this analysis.
Early in first grade, children learn to make labeled drawings that show
the mathematical aspects of the situation with circles or other shapes,
line segments, and spacing. Labeling with letters or words ties the parts
of the drawing to the situation. These drawn models help children understand
the situation, reflect on their own problem?solving method, and explain
their solution steps (see fig. 1). These explanations give teachers insight
into children's mathematical thinking and help students learn from one
another. These coherent, extended, and meaningful interactions engage
the students and help them make connections between the mathematics concepts
and language embedded in their everyday cultural practices and their emerging
mathematical concepts, vocabulary, and notations.
teacher explains the insight gained: While students are working, I watch
the students working at the board, and I walk around listening and looking
at work at children's seats. I note who has different solutions to explain
and who is in trouble. Sometimes students work and discuss with a partner
so that they learn from each other's thinking. Listening to their dialogues
gives me an insight into their thinking and how I can expand their comprehension.
When a pair of students explain their work, I ask the less?advanced student
to start first. In this way, even if only at the level of description,
the student feels that she or he has contributed. Other children ask about
a method if they do not understand it. This is a crucial aspect that moves
the math talk from being focused just on me and creates direct student?to?student
interaction. After a method is described, I usually ask how may did it
that way. This [tactic] increases interest, involvement, and analysis
of methods??"Is mine the same or different?" We frequently discuss strengths
and weaknesses of different methods. After some correct methods, I pick
one or two major wrong answers to discuss so that the confusions behind
them can be cleared up. Using the children's math drawings enables all
children to be active listeners in the conversation.
CO?CONSTRUCTING PROCESS The classroom conversation is CO?constructed
by all those involved. The active participants in a conversation each
direct the conversation in certain ways. Each contribution stimulates
thinking. Throughout the conversation, personal meanings are continually
being constructed and reconstructed in ways that are influenced by the
classroom process. The emerging group history and climate support the
sense of all participants that the conversation is a common group product
created and shared by all members. All students in the class build and
contribute to an environment in which everyone helps everyone else learn??sometimes
actively and sometimes through emotional support??while patiently waiting
for another to give input. Thus, the growing mathematical learning of
each student is the result of the thinking, stories, and explanations
of every student. The teacher plays important roles in creating, maintaining,
and using this sense of class mathematical history. This shared history
rests on mutual respect and on explicit acknowledgment of the importance
of the participation and contributions of each student. The collaborative
interactions foster participants' understanding of language, drawings,
notations, and mathematical conceptual structures that are common enough
to permit meaningful conversations using the emerging "taken?as?shared
meanings" (Cobb and Bauersfeld 1995). The teacher leads children in group
and individual reflection on their personal meanings and facilitates critical
thinking and decision making. These conversations flourish in classrooms
that inspire learning, support children's self?regulation, build self?confidence,
and provide regular feedback on learning progress.
teacher made these notes: My approach to math teaching is one where students
feel free to express themselves by playing an active role in the teaching?learning
process. I try to give learners enough time to assimilate and to contribute
ideas. I work to create a "family" feeling of belonging to the class so
that students pay attention to each other and help each other. It is important
to encourage students to be autonomous, to seek meaning, to help them
articulate questions, and to sense their needs. This creates a learning
environment that is stimulating and tolerant, but filled with excitement
to push forward. It is also important to help students learn how to help
each other. There are many of them and only one of me. In a CO?constructed
classroom, the class will participate in helping a student who is struggling
with some concept or solution. This in?depth clarification of concepts
helps everyone. Students begin to see things from another point of view.
With help from the teacher, students naturally become supportive of each
other, and errors are seen as an opportunity for solving and posing new
problems. Such an approach allows the teacher to evaluate how and what
the class has learned and how to strengthen this understanding.
Listening to children, putting their stories in a mathematical context,
using children's labeled mathematics drawings and number drawings, and
eliciting explanations from children about how they solved problems are
powerful approaches. But these approaches need constant leadership by
the teacher so that children can progress in their knowledge of mathematical
methods, vocabulary, and understanding. The CMW curriculum supports teachers
in these efforts. The teaching and learning experiences are adapted to
the participants and enable them to progress and become competent in mathematics.
MATERIAL Readers are encouraged to send manuscripts
appropriate for this department to the editor. The research reported in
this paper was supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under
grant no. RED 935373, the Spencer Foundation, and the James S. McDonnell
Foundation. The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors
and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF, the Spencer Foundation,
or the James S. McDonnell Foundation.
more information about the Children's Math Worlds project or the curriculum,
contact Karen C. Fuson at (847) 491?3794 or fuson@nwu.eduu, or write to
her at the School of Education and Social Policy, Northwestern University,
2115 North Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208.
Cobb, Paul, and Heinrich Bauersfeld, eds. The Emergence of Mathematical
Meaning: Interaction in Classroom Cultures. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, 1995. ____
La Cruz, Yolanda. "Promising Research, Programs, and Projects: Reversing
the Trend: Latino Families in Real Partnerships with Schools." Teaching
Children Mathematics 5 (January 1999): 296?300. ____
Karen C., K. Hudson, and Pilar Ron. "Phases of Classroom Mathematical
Problem?Solving Activity: The PCMPA Framework for Supporting Algebraic
Thinking in Primary School Classrooms." In Employing Children's Natural
Powers to Build Algebraic Reasoning in the Context of Elementary Mathematics,
edited by J. Kaput. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, in press.
Karen C., Ana Maria Lo Cicero, K. Hudson, and Steven T. Smith. "Snapshots
across Two Years in the Life of an Urban Latino Classroom." In Making
Sense: Teaching and Learning Mathematics with Understanding, edited by
James Hiebert et al., 129?59. Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann, 1997. ____
Karen C., Ana Maria Lo Cicero, Pilar Ron, and L. Zecker. "El Mercado:
A Fruitful Narrative for the Development of Mathematical Thinking in a
Latino First? and Second?Grade Classroom." Forthcoming. ____
Karen C., Steven T. Smith, and Ana Maria Lo Cicero. "Supporting Latino
First Graders' Ten?Structured Thinking in Urban Classrooms." Journal for
Research in Mathematics Education 28 (December 1997): 738?60. ____
Hudson, K., and N. Kendall. Building upon Knowledge of the Community and
of Students to Improve the Mathematics Classroom. Chicago, Ill.: American
Educational Research Association, 1997. ____
Lo Cicero, Ana Maria, Karen C. Fuson, and Martha Allexsaht?Snider. "Mathematizing
Children's Sories, Helping Children Solve Word Problems, and Supporting
Parental Involvement." In Changing the Faces of Mathematics: Perspectives
on Latinos, edited by Luis Ortiz?Franco. Reston, Va.: National Council
of Teachers of Mathematics, 1999. ___
Lo Cicero, Ana Maria, and K. Hudson. The Arts as Pathways toward Mathematical
Thinking in Urban Elementary Classrooms. Chicago, Ill.: American Educational
Research Association, 1997.
Pilar. "Spanish?English Language Issues in the Mathematics Classroom."
In Changing the Faces of Mathematics: Perspectives on Latinos, edited
by Luis Ortiz?Franco. Reston, Va.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics,
1999. ____
L. S. "The Genesis of Higher Mental Functions." In The Concept of Activity
in Soviet Psychology, edited by James V. Wertsch, 168. Armonk, N.Y.: M.
E. Sharpe, 1981.
CHILDREN'S LABELED MATHEMATICS DRAWINGS There were 12 flies in the yard.
Then a frog ate 3, but later another 5 flies arrived. How many flies are
there in the yard now? ____ The clown gave my little brother 7 red balloons
and some green balloons. Altogether my brother got 13 balloons. How many
green balloons did he get? ____ I drew 3 houses on each piece of paper.
I had 4 pieces of paper. How many houses did I draw in all.
Ana Maria Lo Cicero, Yolanda De La Cruz, and Karen C. Fuson
Maria Lo Cicero and Karen Fuson,, teach at Northwestern
University, Evanston, IL 60208. Yolanda De La Cruz,,
teaches at Arizona State University West, Phoenix, AZ 85069. Lo Cicero
works with children and teachers to develop classroom activities that
support their mathematical and personal development. Fuson studies how
children think mathematically and designs learning activities to build
on children's thinking so that all children can reach their potential.
De La Cruz studies how to overcome failure in mathematics learning among
Latino students. Edited by Tad Watanabe, Towson State University, Mathematics
Department, Towson, MD 21204.
Teaching Children Mathematics 5 no9 544?7 My '99.
Reproduced with permission from Mathematics
Teaching Children Mathematics, copyright 1999 by the National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics. All rights reserved.