The following information may help to address your question:
How might infections in individuals with epidermolysis bullosa be treated?
The chance of contracting a skin infection can be reduced by good nutrition, which builds the body’s defenses and promotes healing, and by careful skin care with clean hands and use of sterile materials. For added protection, a doctor may recommend
However, even in the presence of good care, it is possible for infection to develop. Signs of infection are redness and heat around an open area of skin, pus or a yellow drainage, excessive crusting on the wound surface, a red line or streak under the skin that spreads away from the blistered area, a wound that does not heal, and/or fever or chills. A doctor may prescribe a specific soaking solution, an antibiotic ointment, or an oral antibiotic to reduce the growth of
More details about treatment, wound care and infection control can be obtained from the eMedicine and DEBRA web sites.
Are there research studies looking at new treatments for wound healing in individuals with epidermolyisis bullosa?
How can I locate physicians or researchers who are knowledgeable about epidermolysis bullosa?
We hope this information is helpful. We strongly recommend you discuss this information with your doctor. If you still have questions, please contact us.
Warm regards,
GARD Information Specialist
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