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Frontal sinus fracture
From WikEM
- Requires high-energy
- Rarely occurs in isolation, often associated wth intracranial injuries [1]
- Must rule-out TBI, additional fracture, and cervical spine injury
- Long term sequelae include chronic sinusitis, mucocele, meningitis, brain abscess, frontal osteomy- elitis, and CSF leak [2]
- Assess sinus involvement:
- Crepitus
- Laceration over fracture site is typical
- Imaging
- Head CT indicated if suspect fracture
- Assess anterior and posterior tables
- Through and through fracture require symptoms to prevent pneumocephalus, CSF leak, infection
- Assess anterior and posterior tables
- If ant wall fracture need CT to evaluate posterior wall (75% have both walls fractured)
- Head CT indicated if suspect fracture
Differential Diagnosis
Maxillofacial Trauma
- Le Fort fractures
- Skull fracture (peds)
- Auricular hematoma
- Nasal fracture
- Zygomatic arch fracture
- Zygomaticomaxillary (tripod) fracture
- Dental trauma
- Mandible fracture
Orbital trauma
- Ruptured Globe^
- Corneal Abrasion
- Ocular foreign body
- Conjunctival laceration
- Caustic Keratoconjunctivitis^^
- Subconjunctival hemorrhage
- Traumatic iritis
- Traumatic hyphema
- Retinal detachment
- Retrobulbar hemorrhage/hematoma
- Traumatic mydriasis
- Orbital fracture
- Frontal sinus fracture
- Naso-ethmoid fracture
- Inferior orbial wall fracture
- Medial orbital wall fracture
- Sinus involvement?
- If yes then give 1st gen cephalosporin or amoxicillin clavulanate
- Isolated anterior table fracture?
- Discharge with facial surgeon follow up
- Depressed fracture?
- Admit for IV antibiotics and operative repair
- Need neurosurgery or ENT for posterior wall fracture since many need surgery and IV antibiotics
See Also
- ↑ Strong EB. Frontal sinus fractures: a 28-year retrospective review. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2006;135(5):774-779
- ↑ Bell RB. A protocol for the manage- ment of frontal sinus fractures emphasizing sinus preser- vation. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2007
Ross Donaldson, Lisa Yee, Neil Young, Michael Holtz, Claire, Daniel Ostermayer