Against medical advice

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Sample Documentation

The patient is clinically not intoxicated, free from distracting pain, appears to have intact insight, judgment and reason and in my medical opinion has the capacity to make decisions. The patient is also not under any duress to leave the hospital. In this scenario, it would be battery to subject a patient to treatment against his/her will. I have voiced my concerns for the patient's health given that a full evaluation and treatment had not occurred. I have discussed the need for continued evaluation to determine if their symptoms are caused by a condition that present risk of death or morbidity. Risks including but not limited to death, permanent disability, prolonged hospitalization, prolonged illness, were discussed. I tried offering alternative options in hopes that the patient might be amenable to partial evaluation and treatment which would be medically beneficial to the patient, though the patient declined my options and insisted on leaving. Because I have been unable to convince the patient to stay, I answered all of their questions about their condition and asked them to return to the ED as soon as possible to complete their evaluation, especially if their symptoms worsen or do not improve. I emphasized that leaving against medical advice does not preclude returning here for further evaluation. I asked the patient to return if they change their mind about the further evaluation and treatment. I strongly encouraged the patient to return to this Emergency Department or any Emergency Department at any time, particularly with worsening symptoms.

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