1. The origin of the Universe |
1. The origin of the Universe
(Extracts from the documentary “From the science to God”, by F. Manuel M. Carreira S.J. astrophysical and theologian)
There are a lot of questions joining science, theology and philosophy. The three ways are necessary to discuss about complex topics.
From these three points of view, the most discussed topic is the origin of the universe, because for long time people have thought that the Universe has always existed. But science tell us the opposite: universe has a starting point. And the most obvious question, even for a child, is: Why the Sun bright? And, since ancient times, the answer is: because it is made of brilliant stuff. But saying that something bright because it bright is not a real answer.
So, what a scientist say? That the Sun bright because produce energy. And, from where comes that energy? How it is produced? It must be a certain kind of combustible. But the Sun has a limited amount of combustible. Therefore, it will end extinguishing, and these must be applied to the rest of the stars.
Therefore, if we can see stars in the sky is because they are not eternal. And, as the rest of the Universe, they must use combustible. Consequently, if the Universe is eternal, stars must be turned off. Science has been forced to admit that the universe is not eternal. And then...how old is it? How it started? And how it becomes in what it is today? All these questions are answered b science during the XX century. Scientific methods are the study of what matter does, and must be proved by experimentation.
Science argues that the Universe is expanding. The fact is known since 1920, but If the Universe is expanding, it means that long time ago it was smaller and smaller, since a point in which it was not bigger than an apple or even an atom.