Summary table


   The keying scheme, or the synoptic diagram, is a type of scheme that gives priority to graphic elements. With only just one look, one can get a graphic vision of the content of a specific topic, which ideas have been ordered and given hierarchy.

    The main title is usually put on the left side and after, through “bracket keys”, the content of the main idea, supporting ideas and different subdivisions are added subsequently.

    The synoptic diagram is the most known and most appropriate to use to study subjects that have many classifications and data to be retained.

    The steps to follow in order to create a synoptic diagram are the following:

    First of all, read the entire lesson in order to acquire a general overview of the subject as well as a general structure in which the different categories of the main subject of the lesson can be subdivided. Second, underline the main ideas as well as supporting ideas and significant data, according to what was studied. Analysis and the separation of ideas are carried out in this phase. Third, the synoptic diagram is created by following these steps: the title can be placed vertically in order to save space; after, spaces for the main and sub-headings must be created; ideas can be put on the right side by way of key words in order to save space; when all the main ideas or key words from the same category are written down, a bracket key is drawn on the left sided to close the group and a title is then given to that classification. Other classifications can be created alike and closed with a bracket key; and that is the process until the diagram is completed, from right to left, in order to avoid repetition due to a defect of the graphic structure. Throughout the creation, a process of synthesis has been followed, which greatly facilitates comprehension and retention of the subject under analysis.

    The keying scheme, or synoptic diagram, is the most appropriate for those subjects that have a lot of classifications and has the advantage that it is the most graphic of all types of diagrams, therefore favoring the exercise of one’s visual memory. However, the biggest drawback is that it places the writing on the right side, which constrains in making the writing very small, and so the text looks very compressed.

Arturo Ramo García

Instructions: Press one of the buttons with the letters a, b, c. Put the correct letter in red.



1.- In the synoptic diagram, priority is given to the: 

a) Presentation.

b) Graphic aspect.

c) Intellectual aspect. 

2.- Ideas are: 

a) Ordered and given hierarchy.

b) Classified. 

c) Schematized. 

3.- A synoptic diagram is made:

a) From the top down.

b) From the left to the right. 

c) From the right to the left. 

4.- The synoptic diagram is meant to facilitate:  

a) Analysis.

b) Synthesis. 

c) Both. 


5.- The biggest inconvenience of the synoptic diagram is that the writing is concentrated:

a) On the left side.

b) On the right side. 

c) In the center.

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