Human gastrointestinal tract

   1. The Human gastrointestinal tract

   In the picture, we see a family eating. To make the functions, the body needs food to get strength. Through the food that we eat, the human gastrointestinal tract gains sufficient energy to move and interact.

   Through digestion, food is transformed into a milky substance that can be absorbed by the blood.

   2. Parts of the human gastrointestinal tract

   The human gastrointestinal tract is a set of organs that are involved with the digestive function. In the picture above, we can distinguish:

   - The mouth, with incisors, canines and molars. It also contains the saliva.

   - The esophagus that is a muscular tube between the mouth and stomach.

   - The stomach is a hollow of coarse walls.

   - The pancreas produces gastric acids.

   - The liver produces fluid called bile, which is stored in the gallbladder.

   - The small intestine is a long tube about 7 meters long.

   - The large intestine extends from the ileum to the anus. It is about 1 meter long and it has a blind-ended tube called appendix.

   - The rectum is the tube that connects the large intestine and the outside of the body through the anus.

   3. Indicate the right organ: mouth, esophagus , stomach, pancreas, liver, small intestine, large intestine or rectum

It produces gastric acids

It contains the saliva…

It is between the mouth and the stomach

Hollow of coarse walls

It contains teeth

It connects with the outside of the body

It is about 7 meters

It produces bile

It is about 1 meter

It has an appendix

It ends at the anus

   4. Human digestion process

   - It begins in the mouth; teeth grind the food into small bits. The salivary glands secrete saliva to wet the bits of food so they can continue the travel.

   - Through the esophagus, the bits of food arrive to the stomach.

   - They go around in circles and mix with some juices (produced by the stomach wall) that transform food into a kind of thick paste called chyme.

   - The chime and other juices that come from the liver (bile), the pancreas ( pancreatic juice ) and the walls of the intestine (intestinal juice) arrives to the small intestine. The chime turns into smaller broth particles called chyle, which is filtered through the intestinal walls and arrives to the blood.

   - In the large intestine, the water goes to the blood and the wastes are converted into a solid mass or feces.

   - The feces are expelled through the anus.

   5. Indicate the correct organ: mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine or anus

Where chyme occurs

It contains the salivary glands

Before arrive to the stomach

The teeth grind food

They go around in circles

The Bile comes to the…

The water goes to the blood

The pancreatic juice comes to the…

Feces are expelled

The residues are converted into a solid mass

   6. Hygiene of human gastrointestinal tract
   Is it important a good digestion? Yes, it is. Look these instructions:
   - Brush the teeth after every meal and at least once a day. If we have caries or infections, we must go to the dentist. Go to the doctor once a year for a general medical examination or cleaning.
   - Respect the time of meals, do not eat at wrong time.
   - Chew and wet correctly the food in order to improve digestion.
   - Eat slowly.
   - Wash hands before eating.
   - Do not eat too much. It’s better stay with some appetite than eat until burst.
   - Do not take a shower during the next two or three hours after eating.
   - Avoid the excess of sweets because they cause caries.
   - Do not use teeth to break hard objects.

   7. Answer if these advices are correct or incorrect:

Brush the teeth once a week

Chew correctly the food

Eat fast

Eat a lot food

Wash hands before eating

Respect the time to eat

Take a shower after eating

Eat few sweets

Break hard objects with teeth

If there are caries, we must go to the dentist

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