The human being
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Name: ______________________________________  Subject: _______________________ Date: _______

Write on the right side what is missing.

   1. The human being

   It is defined as a rational living being. When we speak about the human being, we refer to men and women.

   In the human body, we can distinguish: cells, tissues, organs, systems and functions.

   2. Cells

   The human body is composed of cells, which are very small elements and make the functions of the living being: to be born, to grow, to reproduce and to die.

   The main parts of the cell are: the membrane, the nucleus and cytoplasm.

   Cells form tissues.

   In the picture, we can see a cell.

   3. Tissues

   Cells join to create tissues in order to make certain functions.

   We distinguish four kinds of tissues:

   - Epithelial tissue, which forms the skin. It covers and protects the body.

   - Osseous tissue that forms bones. They constitute the skeleton.

   - Muscle tissue that forms the muscles. With the skeleton, they form the musculoskeletal system.

   - Nervous tissue is composed of nerve cells that form the encephalon, the spinal cord and the nerves of the body.

   4. Indicate the type of tissue: epithelial, osseous, muscle or nervous

The muscles


The encephalon


The skin


The bones


The skeleton


    5. Organs

   They are formed by different tissues and each organ makes a different act. For example: the organ of the eye makes the act of seeing, the muscle makes movements, other organs are the heart, lung, stomach, inner ear, etc.

   6. Systems

   Organs are grouped to form different systems. The work that they do is called function.

   For example: the function of body movement is performed thanks to the work of the skeleton and muscles (musculoskeletal system).

   The nutritive function involves the mouth, stomach and intestines (gastrointestinal tract).

   7. Indicate if the following words are organs or systems:

The eye


The musculoskeletal


The gastrointestinal


The heart


The inner ear


   8. Functions

   Since man is a living being, he makes vital functions. They are three:

   - The nutrition function, which has the mission to make available to the cells of the body the food molecules and the oxygen. It also throws out waste elements. The systems of this function are: digestive, respiratory, circulation and excretory.

   - The interaction function, man connects with the external environment. It contains the nervous system, the endocrine system, sense organs, muscles and bones.

   - The reproduction function, man creates descendants. It involves the female reproductive tract (ovary and egg cells) and the male reproductive tract (testicle and sperm)

   9. Answer with the correct function: nutrition, interaction or reproduction

The heart


The skeleton


The ovary


The eye


The stomach


The muscles


The testicles


The lungs


| Educational applications | Natural sciences |
In Spanish | Interactive |

®Arturo Ramo García.-Record of intellectual property of Teruel (Spain) No 141, of 29-IX-1999
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