Nervous system
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Name: ______________________________________  Subject: _______________________ Date: _______

Write on the right side what is missing.

   1. The nervous system

   The nervous system function is to coordinate and direct all actions, both those relating to the outside world and those relating to the maintenance of the body, such as digestion, respiration, blood circulation, among others.

   The nervous system receives information from the outside through the nerves and produces a response or order that is transmitted to muscles or glands through other nerves.

   2. Answer if these sentences are true or false:

Respiration works alone


The nervous system coordinates the actions


It produces responses or orders


The responses are transmitted through the senses


    3. Neurons

   The cells that make up the nervous system are called neurons As we see in the picture, the most long and thin extension is the axon and the remaining branches that are more numerous and shorter are called dendrites.

    4. Parts of the nervous system

   In this system we can distinguish:

   - The encephalon that is in the head, it allows us to understand and reason. It has three parts: cerebrum, cerebellum and medulla oblongata.

   - The brain is the most voluminous organ. It is about 1200 to 1600 grams. It is formed of two hemispheres (right and left) joined by nerve fibers. The outside part is the cerebral cortex and is crossed by a wrinkle or gyrus.
   If certain parts of the brain are injured, we may be deaf, blind, with medium body immobile, with problems to speech, etc.

   - The cerebellum is a nerve center which is located beneath the brain and regulates the movement of the heart and breathing.

   - The medulla oblongata is a thick nerve cord placed at the bottom of the brain. it connects the brain and the spinal cord.

   - The spinal cord is in the vertebral column. The nerves come from it. They go to the body to drive the impressions to the brain and return the response to the corresponding organ.

   - Nerves are little cords that link the nervous centers and the various organs of the body.

   5. Select one of these parts of the nervous system : the encephalon , brain, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, spinal cord or nerves

It consists of two hemispheres


It allows us to understand and reason


It regulates the movement of the heart


It connects the brain and spinal cord


It links the nervous centers and organs


It is in the vertebral column


    6. Autonomic nervous system

    It consists of two cords (sympathetic and parasympathetic), they are placed on both sides of the vertebral column, it has the mission to direct the movement of various organs: heart, stomach, lungs, etc.

    7. Hygiene of nervous system

    We must take into account:

   - Do not force the nervous system to work in excess because it can cause failures in the function.

   - Live with good habitudes with fixed working hours and rest.

   - Do not consume alcoholic beverages or non-medically prescribed drugs.

   - Do not use drugs because they are highly harmful because they spoil the nervous system and the personality.

   - Do not abuse of tobacco and coffee.

   8. Indicate if these advices are correct or incorrect:

Drink too much coffee


Do not use drugs


Take medications from home


Have fixed working hours and rest


Avoid tobacco


Drink alcoholic beverages


| Educational applications | Natural sciences |
In Spanish | Interactive |

®Arturo Ramo García.-Record of intellectual property of Teruel (Spain) No 141, of 29-IX-1999
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