5. Origin of the angels |
1. Angels and devils
God has created the things we see and many others which are invisible to our eyes. As example, the angels exists but we can't see them. They are more perfect beings than us because they are spirits, with a great intelligence, memory and will. They haven't got a body.
The angels were created by God to give glory: they praise Him, obey Him and stay with Him in the Heaven.
Some of these spirits rebealed against God. Commanded by Lucifer they did't want to serve God. The rest of the angels stood at God's side, and commanded by the Archangel Michael said “Who is like God?” Then started a battle in the Heaven and Saint Michael and the good angels won. The evil spirits, along with Lucifer, were condemned to Hell because they dissobeyed God and sin against God.
Since then, the demons hate God and everybody who loves God and His works. Their only objective is to induce men to commit sin. This is called temptation. For example, they try that a boy lies, or steal something, or dissobey his parents. Temptation itself is not a sin, but if we do what the devil suggests, then that is a sin.