7. The original sin


  1. Adam and Eve dissobeyed God

    The first man created by God was Adam, and the first woman was Eve. God gave them a beautiful place called the earthly paradise. They were very happy; both were their friends and didn't suffer any harm. But God wanted to prove their love and obedience, and put them to test. He said: “You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die.’

       The devil took the appearance of a snake and tell Eve to eat from the tree. If she did that, she would be like God. Eve listened the snake and took the fruit, disobbeying God.She also gave some to Adam, who was with her, and he ate. Both commited a terrible sin, the disobedience against God. That was the first sin made by men.

       Adam and Eve loose their friendship with God and an angel threw them out from paradise and closed Heaven's doors to them.

  A. Answer with a word

 The first man created by God was

 And the first woman was
 God gave them a place called
 They couldn't eat from the Tree of Good and

 The Devil take form of a

 Who was the first to eat the apple?

 Their disobedience is called..... sin

 They were evicted by an

  2. Consecuences of the original sin

       Adam and Eve were punished by their disobedience and loose the gift of grace ; they were evicted from the Paradise and both started to suffer from passions, pain and death.    

    We, as descendents of Adam, born with the original sin inside us. Without grace we are condemned to suffering, death and are prone to sin. The only being which didn't born with the original sin is the Virgin Mary, because She was chosen to be the Mother of God.

       The Baptism washes away original sin and give us back the grace.

       Although our sins, God was sorry for us and promised He would send His son, the Redeemer, who saves mankind from sin and its consequences.

  B. Choose the correct word

 Adam and Eve were punished by their

 They loose the gift of

 They were condemned to suffering and

 He did not inherit original sin

 Original sin can be washed away by

 God promised He would send a

  3. Questions from the catechism

1. Who were our first parents? Our first parents were Adam and Eve, and all the humanity descend from them.

2. What God gave to our first parents? God gave them a beautiful place called the earthly paradise.

3. What was forbidden to our first parents? God said to them they shall not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

4. Did our parents obbeyed God? No, because Eve was tricked by the devil and ate the forbidden fruit, and also did Adam.

5. What is the original sin? The original sin is the one which all of us have since birth, inherited from our parents.

6. How can be the original sin forgiven? The original sin is washed away by Baptism.

  C. Write the right answer. Choose between the answers from below: A, B, C, D, E and F


 1. Who were our first parents?
 2. What God gave to our first parents?
 3. What was forbidden to our first parents?
 4. Did our parents obbeyed God?
 5. What is the original sin?
 6. How the original sin can be cleared?



 In a beautiful place, called earthly paradise.


 No, because Eve was tricked by the devil and ate the forbidden fruit, and also did Adam.


 By the Baptism.


 God said to them they shall not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.


 Adam and Eve, and all the humanity descend from them.


 The sin which all of us have since birth, inherited from our parents.

  Intentions for a Christian life

- To memorize the “Confession” and the “Act of contrition”, which can be founded in Prayers

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