10. Secret life of Jesus

  1. The Virgin Mary

   The Virgin is the mother of Jesus and our mother. She is the most perfect creature ever created by the hands of God, and we must love her as she was our real mother, with our affection and works.

    Mary is the Immaculate Conception, which means she was without original sin or other else for her life.

    She was virgin all her life: before the birth, during the same birth and after it. This is the reason to call her “Virgin”

    Mary ascended to Heaven in body and soul. This is celebrated in the festivity of the Assumption. She is also the Co-Reedemer, because she was, by Christ, tied with the redention of humankind. She was Queen and Lady of Creation, Mother of the Chuch and mediatrix of the Grace. It is by her that we receive all the good things.

   Mary is our mother because Jesus gave us when he was in the cross. He said to John: “Behold, your mother” (Jn 19,27). Since then she intercede for us. We must behave as good sons of the Virgin.

  A. There are 5 true and 5 false sentences. Choose the correct ones.

  Mary is mother of God and our mother

  Mary is the Immaculate Conception

  The Virgin hadn't got original sin or other else for her life.

  Mary only has her soul in Heaven.

  The day of the Assumption we celebrated that Mary was always a virgin.

  Mary is Queen and Lady of creation.

  She is mother of the church and mediatrix of the grace.

  Jesus give Virgin Mary to us as she was our mother while he was in the cross.

  2. Secret life of Jesus

   Jesus lived in Nazareth. In the Gospel is written that “Jesus increased in wisdom and in years, and in divine and human favour.”(Lc 2,52). We call these years the “hidden life” of Jesus, since his born to the beginning of his preaching, when He was thirty years old.

    In that time Jesus had a simple life: He played with his friends, obbeyed his fathers, learned the psalms and studied the story of Abraham, Moses and the prophets.

    When He was twelve years old, He went with his parents to the temple of Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. Jesus stayed at the Temple, discussing about the laws of God with the doctors. His parents finally found him after three days, and He said to them: "Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?" (Lc 2, 49)


   In Nazareth his father taught the profession of crafstman, possibly carpenter. Saint Joseph was the father of Jesus here in earth. With his job he took care of the Holy family. Jesus worked hard and offered it with love to God Father. As Jesus did, we must study and work hard, offering with love our job to God Father.

  B. There are 5 true and 3 false sentences. Mark the true ones.

 During his secret life, Jesus lived in Bethlehem.

 For 30 years Jesus had a simple life

 Being fourteen he was with his parents to Jerusalem by Passover

 He stayed in the temple discussing with the doctors of the Law.

 Jesus grew in wisdom, height and grace.

 Virgin Mary taught him the profession of crafsman.

 Saint Joseph took care of the Holy family.

 Jesus offered his job with love to his Father.

  3. Questions from the catechism

1. Who is the Virgin Mary? The Virgin Mary is the Lady full of grace and virtues, without sin, who is mother of God and also our mother, and who ascended to Heaven in body and soul.

2. What is the “hidden life” of Jesus? We called “hidden life” to the thirty years He lived with Mary and Joseph, being a simple craftsman in his village and showing love and obedience to his parents.

3. What can we learn about the hidden life of Jesus? In the hidden years of Jesus we find the importance of family, the value of an ordinary life, the dingnity in work and the necessity of obedience.

4. Who were the Holy Family? The Holy Family is formed by Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and is example and protection for all the families.

  C. Write the correct answer. The options are below. 



 1. Who is the Virgin Mary?

 2. What is the “hidden life” of Jesus?

 3. What can we learn about the hidden life of Jesus?

 4. Who were the Holy Family?

 A  The thirty years He lived with Mary and Joseph, being a simple craftsman in his village and showing love and obedience to his parents.
 B  The Lady full of grace and virtues, without sin, who is mother of God and also our mother, and who ascended to Heaven in body and soul.
 C  Is the one formed by Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and is example and protection for all the families.
 D  The importance of family, the value of an ordinary life, the dingnity in work and the necessity of obedience.

  Intentions for a Christian life

   - To read about the “hidden years” of Jesus in the Gospel.

   - To learn how we can offer our study and work with love to the sinners.

   -To treat Saint Joseph as the head of the Holy Family.

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