13. Resurrection and Ascension

  1. The Resurrection

    After Jesus' death in the cross, his disciples put him in a sepulchre and closed it with a great stone.

   El domingo por la mañana, On Sunday morning Mary Magdalene and other women went to the sepulchre with perfumes and found the door open. The sepulchre was empty, and an angel said to them: “Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here” (Mc 16,6). His body and soul are joined together again.

   Jesus had appeared to different people: to Mary Magdalene, to the blessed women, to Peter and the apostles, to his disciples from Emaus and, first of all, to his Mother, the Virgin. With his power He defeated death, because He is God.

   The resurrection is the basis of the Christian creed; is the main argument and the truth of our faith.

  A. Answer with a word:

 The disciples put Jesus' body in a ( )

 They closed the sepulchre with a big ( ) grande.

 Mary Magdalene went to the sepulchre on ( ) morning.

 The sepulchre was ( )

 His body and soul are ( ) again.

 With his power He ( ) death.

 Resurrection is the ( ) of our faith.

  2. The Ascension

   Fourty days after the Resurrection Jesus led them out as far as Bethany, and, lifting up his hands, he blessed them. While he was blessing them, he withdrew from them and was carried up into heaven. And they worshipped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy; and they were continually in the temple blessing God.(Lc 24, 50-52).

  Now the Lord is in Heaven, at the right of the Father.

  He ascended to Heaven to prepare us a place in his glory and send the Holy Spirit to the Church.

   Every Sunday Christians go to mass to celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Christ.

  B. Answer with a word:

 He ascended to Heaven ( ) days after his Resurrection.

 He was with his disciples near ( )

 While He was blessing them He ( ) from them.

 The disciples returned to ( ) with great joy..

 Jesus is at the ( ) of God in Heaven.

 Every Sunday we go to ( ) to celebrate Jesus Christ's Resurrection..

  3. Questions from the catechism

1. How Jesus Christ resurrected?  Jesus Christ resurrected joining his body with his soul again, and rose alive and triumphant from the sepulchre to never die again.

2. To whom He appeared to after resurrected?  Jesus Christ appeared many times: to his mother, to the blessed women, to the apostles and to his disciples.

3. When Jesus Christ ascended to Heaven?  Jesus Christ ascended to Heaven by his own powers, in his' disciples presence, forty days after He resurrected.

4. What means that Jesus is seated at the right of God Father?  When we say that Jesus was seated at the right of God Father, we understand that Jesus has the same power and glory than his Father, and fully participate from the same power and glory as a man.

  C. Exercice: 



 1. How Jesus resurrected?

 2. To whom He appeared after his resurrection?

 3. When He ascended to Heaven?

 4. What means that Jesus is seated at the right of God Father?



 He appeared many times: to his mother, to the blessed women, to the apostles and to his disciples.


 That Jesus has the same power and glory than his Father, and fully participate from the same power and glory as a man.


 He ascended to Heaven by his own powers, in his' disciples presence, fourty days after He resurrected.


 He resurrected joining his body with his soul again, and rose alive and triumphant from the sepulchre to never die again.

  Intentions for a christian life

- To make acts of faith during the Resurrection and in presence of Jesus during the Eucharist.

- To life every Sunday as a celebration of the Resurrection.

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