22. Seventh and tenth commandments

  1. The seventh commandment

    The seventh commandment of the Law of God is:You shall not steal.

   This commandment forbides stealing or unfairly taking the other's goods and take it when we know that they are not ours. It also forbides to harm the other in his properties, for instance, his house, books, noteboks or other stuff.

   It is also forbidden to colaborate in a robbery or in harming the goods of someone. Also, when something is stolen, it must be returned as soon as it can be possible and fix any possible problem caused by the robbery.

   This commandment orders to be fair and right with the properties of other people, giving each one what he deserves.

  A. Answer the questions

 The seventh commandment says: You shall not

 This commandment forbides us to steal the properties of

 The things of others can't be

 If we have stolen something we must

 If we made any harm others' assets we must

 This commandment orders to practise the

 We must give to each one what they

  2. The tenth commandment

   The tenth commandment is: You shall not covet your neighbor's house. It also refers to not desire other's properties.

   God wants that we would be happy with the things and gifts He gave us. Each one of us is different: there are short and tall people, and there are people with many things and others who have less things. But we must avoid greed and ambition, and also unnecessary desires. We can't desire the best things for us.

   This commandment forbides us the compulsive desire of richness and the envy of other's goods. Envy is when we are sad because we want what others have.

  B. Choose an answer

 You not desire … properties

 With the things we have we must

 All of us are

 To want more things is called

 To want what others have is called

 To be sad because we haven't other people's goods is

 To want all the best for us is called

 It forbides an unhealthy desire of

  3. Questions from the Catechism

1. What orders the seventh commandment?  The seventh commandment orders to practise justice and charity in the use of material things and in the things obtained by man's work.

2. What must do those who have stolen something or have harmed the others' properties?  Those who have stolen something or have harmed the others's goods are forced to return the goods and to fix any harm to the victims.

3. What orders the tenth commandment?  The tenth commandment orders us to resign with the things God has give us and the properties we honestly acquire.

4. What forbides the tenth commandment?  The tenth commandment forbides an unhealthy desire of riches and the envy of other's properties.

  C. Choose a suitable answer. Options are below:



 1. What orders the seventh commandment?

 2. What must do those who have stolen something or have harmed the others' properties?

 3. What orders the tenth commandment?

 4. What forbides the tenth commandment?



 They are forced to return the goods and to fix any harm to the victims.


 An unhealthy desire of riches and the envy of other's properties.


 To practise justice and charity in the use of material things and in the things obtained by man's work.


 To resign with the things God has give us and the properties we honestly acquire.

  Intentions for a Christian life

- Never steal something, although it would be a small thing or it would be in our house. If we did it, return it as soon as you can.

- Avoid the sin of envy; to be glad of other's success.

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