24. Commandments of the Church

  1. Commandments of the Church

    Trying to make easier the observance of the commandments of the Law of God, the Church note certain obligations every Christian has, which are called Commandments of the Church or Precepts of the Church. Jesus gave the Church the authority to gobern Christians, and She, with her maternal love, guide us according the will of God, helping us to obtain Heaven. This is the Church's mission.

   The first commandment of the Church: to attend Mass on Sundays and on holy days of obligation. Those who are older than seven years old and don't attend Mass without justification have commited a mortal sin.

   The second commandment: to confess your sins at least once a year, and also if we are in danger of death. Around the seven years we started to have full knowledge, and we could commit mortal sin. That will be specially dangerous if it would happened before the Communion, because it will be a sin of sacrilege, one of the most dangerous ones. It is important to confess before die to enter in grace in Heaven and in the Final Judgement.

   The third commandment is: You shall receive the sacrament of the Eucharist at least during the Easter season. Since our First Communion we must receive communion at least once a year.

  A. Answer with a word

 To make easier the observance of the Law of God, there are the Commandments of the

 The authority of the Church comes from

 The Church helps us to obtain

 To receive communion at Easter season is the

 To attend Mass every Sunday is the

 To confess our mortal sins once a year is the

 If we receive communion in mortal sin we commit

 We must confess before die to not go to

  2. Fourth and fifth commandments

    The fourth commandment of the Church is: You shall observe the days of fasting and abstinence established by the Church.

   Fasting consists in making only a lunch at day, with a small breakfast and dinner. It obliges those who are older than twenty-one and younger than sixty. The days of fasting are Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.

   The abstinence forbides to eat meat or meat stock to those who are older than fourteen years during Lent Fridays.

   The fifth commandment of the Church: You shall help to provide for the needs of the Church.The Church is a mother and she worried for what her sons need: matherial and spiritual necessities. For this, she ask for prayers, sacrifices and alms. With the money received, the Church helps the indigents, the missions, the priests and their work, the seminary and other good catholic works.

  B. Answer with a word

 To eat only three times a day- one lunch and two brief snacks- is called

 Don't eat meat or meat stock is

 Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of

 Good Fridays are days of

 Fasting is for those who are older than

 Abstinence is for those who are younger than

 The fifth is to provide the Church in her

 The Church asks for prayers, sacrifices and

  3. Questions from the catechism

1. What power gives Jesus Christ to the Church?  Jesus Christ gives to the Church the power of teach, sanctify and govern the faithful ones in the eternal life.

2. Are we obliged to fulfill the Law of the Church?  We, as Christians, are obliged to fulfill the Law of the Church because she commands with an authority given by Jesus.

  C. Choose the right answer. Options are below. 



 1. What powers gave Jesus Christ to his Church?

 Are we obliged to fulfill the Law of the Church?



 The power of teach, sanctify and govern the faithful ones in the eternal life.


 Yes, because she commands with an authority given by Jesus.

  Intentions for a Christian life

- To memorize the commandments of the Church. You can find it in the Profesión of faith.

- To pray every day for the Pope, the bishops and the priests.

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