16. The Communion of saints
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Name: ______________________________________   Subject: _______________________  Date: _______

Write the missing word

  1. The Communion of saints

    All the members of the church who are alive are united between them as the mystical body of Christ, and are bonded to Jesus himself. All of them share the same spiritual goods, and this is called the Communion (common union) of saints.

   The Church is constituted not only by the baptized ones who are in Earth (Church militant), but by the saints in Heaven (Church triumphant ) and by those who are purifying their souls in the Purgatory before go to Heaven (Chuch purgative) All of us can help with the help of Jesus Christ, Virgin Mary and the saints; of the Holy Mass and the sacraments and of the prayers and good works of devoted christians.

   The Church triumphant can help the souls in Earth and in Purgatory.

   The Church militant can aid those from the Purgatory

  A. Give a suitable answer:

 All the members of the Church are united to


 All of them share the same … goods


 Those who live in Earth are the … Church


 Those who are in Heaven are the … Church


 Those who are in Purgatory are the … Church


 The Church triumphant can help the Church militant


 The Church militant can help the Church triumphant


 The Church triumphant can help the Church purgative


 The Church purgative can help the Church triumphant


 The Church militant can help the Church purgative


  2. The forgiveness of sins

    Men are sinners and offended God when we don't do what He requested. We also offended our brothers and, with that offense, God is also sad. Man has a great need to obtain the forgiveness of God.

   Jesus give the power to forgive the sins to his apostles. He said:'Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.'(Jn 20,22-23). The Church can forgive all the sins, no matter how much and how terrible they are. It forgive them by the sacrament of Penance. Sins can be forgiven by the Pope, the bishops and priests who are autorized to do it.

   Virgin Mary and Jesus didn't commit sin. The rest of us are sinners, but we can talk with a priest and confess.

  B. Answer with a word:

 When we offend God we are

 To whom did Jesus give power to forgive sins
 'If you forgive the sins of any, they are
 'If you retain the sins of any, they are
 The Church forgive sins although they could be many and
 The Church forgive sins in the name of  
 Our sins will be forgiven by the  

  3. Questions from the catechism

1. What means 'Communion Of Saints'?  "Communion of saints means that all the members of the Church were bounded with Jesus and between them constituting a body, and share the same spiritual goods.

2. Who are the members of the Church?  The members of the Church are the saints in Heaven, the souls in the Purgatory and the faithful in Earth.

3. What spiritual goods share the members of the Church?  The members of the Church share the achievements of Jesus Christ, of Virgin Mary and the Saints; from the sacrifice of the Mass; from the sacraments and the good works of the faithful.

4. Has the Church the capacity to forgive sins?  The Church has the capacity, given by Jesus Christ, to forgive the sins of men, no matter how many or how terrible they are.

5. How the Church forgive sins?  The Church forgive sins in the name of Jesus Christ, by the sacrament of Penance.

6. Who have capacity to forgive sins?  Sins can be forgiven by the Pope, the bishops and priests who are autorized to do it.

  C. Write a suitable answer. You can find the answers below:



 1. What means 'Communion Of Saints'?
 2. Who are the members of the Church?
 3. What spiritual goods share the members of the Church
 4. Has the Church the capacity to forgive sins?
 5. How the Church forgive sins?
 6. Who have capacity to forgive sins?



 The saints in Heaven, the souls in the Purgatory and the faithful in Earth.


 The Church has the capacity, given by Jesus Christ, to forgive the sins of men, no matter how many or how terrible they are.


 The Pope, the bishops and priests who are autorized to do it.


 In the name of Jesus Christ, by the sacrament of Penance.


 That all the members of the Church were bounded with Jesus and between them constituting a body, and share the same spiritual goods.


 From the achievements of Jesus Christ, of Virgin Mary and the Saints; from the sacrifice of the Mass; from the sacraments and the good works of the faithful.

  Intentions for a christian life

- To pray every day for the deceased from our family.

- To frequently go to church to life the sacrament of Penance.

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®Arturo Ramo García.-Record of intellectual property of Teruel (Spain) No 141, of 29-IX-1999
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