21. Sixth and ninth commandments
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Name: ______________________________________   Subject: _______________________  Date: _______

Write the missing word

  1. The sixth commanment

    The sixth commandment of the Law of God is: You shall not commit adultery. It also refers to impure actions. God orders that we will be pure and chaste in words and works.

   Purity is the total repudiation to the uses of sexuality.

   Chastity is the rejection of the illicit use of sexuality. Sexuality is nor bad, neither is opposite to the Law of God; it is good because it comes from God. Because of this, sexuality is fair inside a marriage, and it has the objective of perpetuate life by giving birth to children. Also, sexuality provides a great help in a married couple relation.

   As Christians, we must love purity because we are members of Christ and our body is temple of the Holy Spirit. It is also a glory and an advantage to live in purity before marriage.

   Sin against purity those who perpretate dishonest or dirty actions against themselves or against others, and those who voluntarily put themselves or other in danger of commit it.

   The ways to maintain purity are: frequent confession and communion, devotion to the Holy Virgin, modesty and prevention against dangerous situations, like chatings, looks, readings, fashions, dances or dishonest shows.

  A. Answer with a word

 The sixth commandment says: You shall not commit adultery, nor impure (...................)

 It orders us that we maintain ourselves pures and (.................) in works and words.

 Purity is the (..................) repudiation to sexuality.

 Chastity is the rejection of an (...................) use of sexuality.

 In a marriage sexuality is (...................)

 Sexuality is by itself (....................) because it come from God.

 The objective of sexuality (....................) marriage is to conceive children.

 Our (....................) is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

  2. The ninth commanment

   The ninth commandment of the Law of God is: You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. This also includes to not harbor impure thoughts or desires.

   We must live in purity and chastity in thoughts and desires. There is sin when our will enjoys on them, but there is not if our will doesn't enjoy on them, allow them and tryes to reject them.

   Jesus said: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” (Matthew 5,8).He also said: “For out of the heart come evil intentions, murder, adultery, fornication...”(Matthew 15,19).

   Sins are commited when we think in impure or dirty memories and dreams and have pleasure on them.

   We also commit sin if we have the desire of commit impure acts, even if we don't put them in practice.

  B. Choose the correct answer

 The ninth says: You not (...................) impure thoughts or desires.

 There is sin when will (...................) pleasure on them.

 We must (....................) dirty thoughts and desires.

 Jesus said: “Blessed the (....................) in hearth.”

 The pures (....................) see God.

 From (...................) our hearth bad feelings arise..

 We commit sin of (.................) when we think in dirty memories..

 We commit sin of (....................) when we want to commit dirty acts..

  3. Questions from the catechism

1. What is the sixth commandment of the Law of God?  The sixth commandment of the Law of God is to not commit adultery or impure actions.

2. What orders us the sixth commanment of the Law of God?  The sixth commandment in the Law of God orders us to be pure and chaste in works and words.

3. What is the ninth commandment of the Law of God?  The ninth commandment of the Law of God is to not harbor impure thoughts or desires.

4. What orders us the ninth commanment of the Law of God?  The ninth commandment in the Law of God orders us to be pure and chaste in thoughts and desires.

  C. Choose the right answer. You will find the aswers below:  



 1. What is the sixth commandment of the Law of God?
 2. What orders us the sixth commanment of the Law of God?
 3. What is the ninth commandment of the Law of God?
 4. What orders us the ninth commandment of the Law of God?



 To be pure and chaste in works and words.


 To be pure and chaste in thoughts and desires.


 To not commit impure actions.


 To not harbor impure thoughts and desires.

  Intentions for a Christian life

- To think in the Virgin when we are tempted in chastity and pray “Blessed be your purity” and “Memorare”, which can be founded in Prayeres.

- To be clean in words, thoughts, jokes, etc...

- To live in shyness and modesty.


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