27. The Baptism
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Name: ______________________________________   Subject: _______________________  Date: _______

Write the missing word

  1. The Baptism

    The Baptism is the sacrament which erases original sin and also personal sins, making us Christians, sons of God and members of the Church.

   If a person want to be bapticed but death in martyrdom, instead of Water Baptism her recieves what is called Blood Baptism.

   All of us born with a sin inherited from our first parents, and, therefore, without grace. But Jesus Christ cleans us from sin, because with his death and resurrection He liberated us. Baptism is the sacrament which aplies the fruits of Redemption to all the baptised.

   - The material of Baptism is clean water, which symbolizes the purification of our souls.

   - The form consists in the words: “I baptise you in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit” These words are pronounced while some water is spill over the head of the new member of the Church.

   - The ordinary ministers are the bishop, the priest and the deacon. But if it would be required, everyone could baptise, according to the intentions of the Church.

   - The subject is every human being who has note received Baptism yet.

  A. Write or choose a suitable answer

 Baptism erases … sin  
 It becomes sons of God and members of the Church:  
 Blood Baptism was received by the  
 Clean water which spills is the  
 The words: “I baptized you...”  
 The bishop or priest is the  
 Those who receives Baptism is the  
 Everyone could baptise others if it woul be  

  2. Effects of Baptism

   The Baptism is the spiritual regeneration which transforms us in new creatures: it becomes us in sons of God, members of the Church brothers of Christ and heirs of Heaven. Man reborn to a new life, the life of the sons of God.

   Baptism produces three effects:

   - The pardon of the original sin, of personal sins and of all the faults originated by sin.

   - It inspire sanctifying grace along with three theological virtues- Faith, Hope and Charity- and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

   - It gives sacramental grace to live the agreement of a Christian life.

   - It impress character, an indelible sign which configure Christ and let him participate in his priesthood (Common Priesthood).

   Fathers must baptized their sons as soon as possible. It is the best present they can give to them. It is not necessary to wait until the sons are adults or they must asked it for themselves, like a mother takes care of her sons if they are ill or hungry.

  B. Choose an answer

 By the Baptism man reborn to a … life

 Baptism forgives the … sin  
 It inspires … grace  
 Are received three … virtues  
 By the Baptism we received the gifts of the ... Spirit  
 The Baptism impress  

  3. Questions from the catechism

1. What is the Baptism?  The Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration, by which we are in Christ and reborn to a life of grace.

2. What effects produces Baptism?  Baptism gives sanctifying grace; erases the original sin and also the rest of sins of the person who receives it; it concedes the necessary graces to live in a Christian way, and impresses in the soul sacramental character, which becomes us Christians for ever.

3. How Baptism is administered?  Baptism is administered spilling clean water over the head of the baptised person, saying at the same time: “I baptised you in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. ".

4. Who is the minister in the Baptism?  The ordinary minister in the Baptism is the priest, but when required it can be given by any woman or man who reaches the age of reason.

5. When must be children baptized?  Baptism must be administered to children as soon as possible.

  C. Choose the right answer. Options are below.



 1. What is Baptism?  
 2. What effects produces Baptism?  
 3. How Baptism is administered?  
 4. Who is the minister of Baptism?
 5. When must be children baptized?



 It gives sanctifying grace; erases the original sin and also the rest of sins of the person who receives it; it concedes the necessary graces to live in a Christian way, and impresses in the soul sacramental character, which becomes us Christians for ever.


 As soon as possible.


 The ordinary minister of Baptism is the priest; but if required it could be given by any woman or man who reaches the age of reason.


 Spilling clean water over the head of the baptised person, saying at the same time: “I baptised you in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. ".


 The sacrament of regeneration, because we are incorporated into Christ and reborn to a life of grace.


  Intentions for a Christian life

- To express gratitude to God for our Baptism.

- To be aware of the day of our Baptism and celebrate it.

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®Arturo Ramo García.-Record of intellectual property of Teruel (Spain) No 141, of 29-IX-1999
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