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Name: ______________________________________  Subject: _______________________ Date: _______

1. Europe

   Europe is in the Northern Hemisphere between the tropics of Cancer and the Arctic Circle.

   It is attached to Asia and is considered a peninsula of the great Eurasian continent.

   It is in North Africa and it is separated of America by the Atlantic Ocean

   2. Answer if these sentences are true or false:

It is in the northern hemisphere


The Equator crosses it


It is attached to Asia


It is attached to Africa


The Atlantic Ocean covers it


   3. Relief of Europe

   Europe is separated of Asia by the Ural Mountains and the Ural River.

   On this continent we can distinguish:

   - A Great Plain from France to Russia that occupies the most part of central Europe.

   - The Scandinavian mountains in Scandinavia peninsula (Northern Europe). They are old mountains with low-latitude.

   - Young high altitude mountains such as:

   + The Pyrenees between France and Spain. The aneto is 3404 meters.

   + The Alps in Switzerland and Austria. The Montblanc is 4810 meters.

   + The Apennines, which run North and South Italy.

   + The Apennines, which run North and South Italy.

   + The Balkans in Bulgaria, south of the Danube River.

   + Caucasus in Russia and Georgia, between the Black and Caspian Sea. In the Caucasus is the Elbrus peak with 5633 meters, it is the highest in Europe.

   4. Answer with one of these words: great plain, Scandinavian mountains, the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Apennines, the Carpathians, the Balkans and the Caucasus

In Scandinavia peninsula


Between France and Spain


In Switzerland and Austria


In central Europe


Mountains of Northern Europe


It Includes the Montblanc


It Includes the Aneto


They are in Italy


North of the Danube


South of Danube


Between the Black and Caspian Sea


They are in Romania


It Contains the Elbrus


    5. Coasts (Look at the map of Europe)

   The coasts are very rough. We can distinguish three zones:

   - The northern coasts cover with the Arctic Ocean.
   + We Found Scandinavia peninsula with the Baltic Sea (south) and White sea (north)
   + The North Cape in Scandinavia.
   + We also have the Jutland peninsula in Denmark

   - The western coasts cover with the Atlantic Ocean with:
   + The North Sea between Jutland and Britain.
   + The Cantabrian Sea, between France and Spain.
   + The British Isles (Britain and Ireland) are the highest in Europe.

   - The southern coasts cover with the Mediterranean Sea.
   + There are three large peninsulas:
         The Iberian ( Spain and Portugal) and the Balearic Islands;
         The Italian peninsula (Italy) with the islands of Corsica (north), Sardinia and Sicily (south).
         The Balkan Peninsula (Greece), with the island of Crete.
   + We distinguish these seas:
         The Tyrrhenian between Sicily and Corsica.
         The Ionian Sea between Italy and Greece.
         The Adriatic Sea , between Italy , Bosnia and Montenegro.
         The Aegean Sea , east of the Balkan peninsula.
         The Black Sea in Asia.

   6. Indicate if these accidents refer to the northern , western and southern coast :

The North Sea


The Italian peninsula


The British Islands


They are covered with the Arctic sea


The Cantabrian Sea


The Tyrrhenian Sea


Scandinavia peninsula


The Ionian Sea


Jutland Peninsula


Iberian Peninsula


    7. Rivers

   We can group the European rivers:

   - The Pechora (next to the Ural Mountains) and the Dvina flow into the Arctic Ocean.

   - The Vistula (Poland) and Oder (Germany) flow into the Baltic Sea

   - The Elbe and the Rhine (Germany) flow into the North Sea

   - In the Atlantic Ocean, the Seine, the Loire and the Garonne (France), the Tagus and Duero (Spain and Portugal) and the Thames (Great Britain).

   - The Ebro (Spain), Rhone (France) and the Po and the Tiber (Italy) flow into the Mediterranean.

   - The Danube, the Dnieper and the Don flows into the black sea.

   - The Volga (Europe’s longest river) flows into the Caspian Sea

   8. Indicate the sea where they flow into: Glacial Arctic Sea, Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean

The River Seine


The Pechora


The Vistula


The Rhine


The Tajo


The Ebro


The Volga


The Danube


The Tiber


The Dnieper


    9. Climates in Europe

   Europe is in the temperate climate zone and we can distinguish several types of climates:

   - The polar north, with heavy snow and low temperatures.

   - The Continental climate in Europe.

   - The Atlantic climate, with moderate temperatures and abundant rainfall

   - And the Mediterranean climate with low rainfall and high temperatures

    10. Vegetation

   According to the climatic zones are distinguished:

   - In the Mediterranean area, there are pines, oaks and steppe.

   - In the Atlantic area abound meadows and beech woods.

   - In the polar zone abound tundra (lichens and mosses)

   - In the continental area is steppe and fir forest.

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