North America

Out of the information of each country, pay attention especially to the geography, capital, population, extension and GDP (Gross Domestic Product) per capita (which is the value of total output of goods and services of a country within its national territory divided by the average population). Per capita = per head, per inhabitant. (Data derives from the World Development Indicators, World Bank)

United States


Population: 308,798,278 inhabitants
Land surface: 9,826,630 km2
Currency: US Dollars
GDP per capita: US$ 41,890.
Language: English
Religion: Protestants (58%); Catholics (26%); Jews (2%); Muslims (2%); others (2%); not religious (10%).
Official name: The United States of America.
Administrative division: Federal State with 50 states and the Federal District of Columbia.
Capital: Washington D.C. 4,098,000 (2003).
Other cities (inhabitants – 2000): New York 8,008,278; Los Angeles 3,694,820; Chicago 2,896,016; Houston 1,953,631; Philadelphia 1,517,550; Los Angeles 3,694,820; Chicago 2,896,016; Houston 1,953,631. Government: Presidential and Federal Dependencies: Eastern Samoa, Guam, Marshall Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands.

   Geografía.  Geography. Four geo-economic regions can be distinguished: The east encompasses the New England area, the Appalachian Mountains, part of the Great Lakes and the Atlantic coast; a sedimentary plain that extends from the mouth of the Hudson River to the Florida peninsula. It is rich is minerals – iron and coal – and it is the most populated and industrialized region, where the country's major iron and steel centers are located. A highly mechanized agriculture supplies the big cities. The Midwest extends from the western edge of Lake Erie all the way to the Rocky Mountains, also covering the middle of the Mississippi River. It consists of the central prairie plains, which is the largest agricultural area of the country. Horticulture and rich dairy areas are predominant in the north, while in the south there are large plantations of corn and other cereals, along with cattle and swine breeding. In the vicinity of the Great Lakes, there are important industrial centers, based on the large reserves of iron ore and coal in the region and its agricultural production. The south is a subtropical zone, which includes the Mississippi River, the Florida peninsula, Texas and Oklahoma. Big plantations are predominant (cotton, sugar cane, rice). Cattle ranching is important in Texas. It has several mineral resources: oil, coal and aluminum. The West is a mountainous region, also rich in minerals: oil, copper, lead, zinc. In California, the valleys of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers are fertile areas with significant horticultural production. The Pacific coast has large industrial centers. The United States has two “extra-metropolitan” states: Alaska, to the northwest of the country, where the highest mountain in North America, Mount McKinley (or Denali, in the Athabaskan language), is located; and Hawaii, an archipelago in the Pacific.






Population: 33,169,734 inhabitants
Land surface: 9,984,670 km2
Currency: Canadian dollar
GDP per capita: US$ 33,376
Language: English and French
Religion: Predominantly Catholic (45.7%) and Protestant.
Official name: Canada.
Capital: Ottawa 1,093,000 inhabitants (2003).
Other cities (inhabitants – 2000): Toronto 5,411,300; Montreal 3,490,600; Vancouver 1,922,000.
Government: Parliamentary

   Geography. It is the second largest country in the world. It is divided into five natural regions. The "Maritime Provinces" correspond to the Atlantic coast, cold mountainous region with tundra vegetation. The "Canadian Shield" is an area of pristine sands covered by large forests and rich in minerals. Forests cover more than half of the arable land. In the south, on the shores of the Great Lakes and the Saint Lawrence River, there is a flat area with fertile soils, where more than 60% of the population and large urban centers are concentrated. In the prairies of the southwest, there is intensive agriculture activity (wheat, potatoes, oats and barley). The Pacific coast is a mountainous region with extensive forests. The “Great North” is a demographic vacuum with very cold climate and tundra vegetation. The country is divided into 10 provinces and three territories: Yukon, Northwest and Nunavut (the latter created in 1999 as a land of the Inuit population). The country has vast mineral resources: the world's largest producer of asbestos, nickel, zinc and silver, and the second of uranium. It has significant deposits of lead, copper, sulfur, gold, iron, oil and gas.



Population: 107,801,060 inhabitants
Land surface: 1,958,200 km2
Currency: Mexican Peso
GDP per capita: US$ 10,751
Language: Spanish
Religion: predominantly Catholic
Official name: Estados Unidos Mexicanos.
Capital: Mexico City (Ciudad de México) 18,660,000 inhabitants (2003).
Other cities (inhabitants – 2000): Guadalajara 3,798,800; Monterrey 3,409,100; Puebla 2,495,100; Netzahualcóyotl 1,401,300.
Government: Presidential and Federal

   Geography. It occupies the southern part of North America. Most of the territory is made up of mountain ranges, among which include the Sierra Madre of the west by the Pacific, the Sierra Madre of the east by the Gulf of Mexico, the Sierra Madre of the south and the Sierra Transvolcanica Belt in the center. The climate ranges from the dry, deserted and steppe in the north to the tropical rain in the southeast, while it is temperate in the central highlands, where the bulk of the population is concentrated. The subsoil offers abundant hydrocarbon deposits, both onshore and on the continental shelf. Due to diversity, the vegetation is varied. Because of their economic activity, the forests of the southeast and temperate forests on the slopes of the Sierra Transvolcanica are very important.

   1. Indicate to which country the statement refers to: United States, Canada or Mexico.

It has the highest GDP

The capital is Mexico City

It is the most populated

It is the largest country

There is industry in the east

It is the largest producer of asbestos

It has the Sierra Madres

The capital is Washington D.C.

It is the world’s second uranium producer

It has cotton plantations

The capital is Ottawa

It has the Sierra Transvolcanica

    2. Other countries in North America

Country Population Extension, km2 Capital Currency Language
Bermuda 64.719 50 Hamilton Bermudian dollar English
Greenland 58.496 410.450 Nuuk Danish Krone Danish and Inuit

   3. Indicate the country that the statement refers to: Bermuda or Greenland.

It is the most populated

It is the largest country

The capital is Hamilton

The currency is the Danish Krone

The language is English

The capital is Nuuk

   4. Indicate the capital of the following countries:



The United States



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