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  1. Aalborg University (s.f.). Global Management. Recuperado de:
  2. Akella, D. (2010). Learning together: Kolb’s experiential theory and its application. Journal of Management and Organization, 16(1), 100-112.
  3. Apple (2011). Challenge based learning: A classroom guide. Recuperado de: #Association for Experiential Education (2015). Association for Experiential Education. Recuperado de:
  4. Challenge Lab (2015). The Challenge. Chalmers University of Technology. Recuperado de: #Cordray, D. S., Harris, T. R., y Klein, S. (2009). A Research Synthesis of the Effectiveness, Replicability, and Generality of the VaNTH Challenge-based Instructional Modules in Bioengineering. Journal of Engineering Education, 98(4), 335-348.
  5. Destination Imagination (2014). Destination Imagination. Recuperado de: aprendizajeProceso por el cual las personas adquieren cambios en su comportamiento, mejoran sus actuaciones, reorganizan su pensamiento o descubren nuevas maneras de comportamiento y nuevos conceptos e información.: una experiencia con estudiantes universitarios. Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa, 14(2), 103-117.
  6. García, E. (2014). Innovative Week. CEDDIE Campus Guadalajara. Recuperado de: nnovativeweek/
  7. Gaskins, W. B., Johnson, J., Maltbie, C., y Kukreti, A. (2015). Changing the Learning Environment in the College of Engineering and Applied Science Using Challenge Based Learning. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), 5(1), 33-41. Recuperado de:
  8. Giorgio, T. D., y Brophy, S. P. (2001). Challenge-based learning in biomedical engineering: A legacy cycle for biotechnology. In ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings (Session 1609: 7 p.). Brentwood, EUA: Mira Digital Publishing.
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  10. Harvard innovation lab (2015). President’s Challenge Topics. Recuperado de:
  11. Identidad Campus Querétaro (2014). Taller Vertical para alumnos LDI. Recuperado de:
  12. Jackson, S. (2012). The Teacher’s Role During Project-Based Learning. Recuperado de:
  13. Johnson, L. F., Smith, R. S., Smythe, J. T., y Varon, R. K. (2009). ChallengeBased Learning: An Approach for Our Time. Recuperado de:
  14. Kastner J., Kukreti A., y Torsella J. (2014). Using challenge based learning to teach the fundamentals of exponential equations. Recuperado de:
  15. León, T. (2011). IBM anuncia ganadores del Taller Vertical del Tec de Monterrey. Portal Informativo. Recuperado de:
  16. Loewe, Z. (2013). Proponen proyecto para el Centro Histórico de Mazatepec. Portal Informativo. Recuperado de: ASEE2014_Transfer_Effects_of_ Challenged-Based_Lessons_in_an_ Undergraduate_Dynamic.pdf
  17. Malmqvist, J., Rådberg, K. K., y Lundqvist, U. (2015). Comparative Analysis of Challenge-Based Learning Experiences. Proceedings of the 11th International CDIO Conference, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu, Sichuan, P.R. China. Recuperado de:
  18. Martin, T., Rivale, S. D., y Diller, K. R. (2007). Comparison of student learning in challenge-based and traditional instruction in biomedical engineering. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 35(8), 1312-1323. doi:
  19. Moore, D. (2013). For interns, experience isn’t always the best teacher. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Recuperado de:
  20. Pacheco, R. (2015). Culmina el ITESM su “Taller Vertical”. Pulso: Diario de San Luis. Recuperado de: monterrey/vida+estudiantil/ n2154879461431201
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  23. Roselli, R. J., y Brophy, S. P. (2006). Effectiveness of Challenge-Based Instruction in Biomechanics. Journal Of Engineering Education, 95(4), 311-324.
  24. Sams, B. (2013). Knowledge: Just in Case to Just in Time. Skilledup for companies: Higher Education. Recuperado de:
  25. Santos, A. R., Sales, A., Fernandes, P., y Nichols, M. (2015). Combining Challenge-Based Learning and Scrum Framework for Mobile Application Development. In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (pp. 189-194). Nueva York, EUA: ACM. #Savin-Baden, M., y Howell Major, C. (2004). Foundations of Problembased Learning. Inglaterra: McGraw-Hill.
  26. Shuptrine, C. (2013). Improving College And Career Readiness Through Challenge-Based Learning. Contemporary Issues in Education Research (CIER), 6(2), 181-188. Recuperado de:
  27. Tandogan, R. O., y Orhan, A. (2007). The effects of problem-based active learning in science education on students’ academic achievement, attitude and concept learning. Online Submission, 3(1), 71-81.
  28. Tay, H. Y. (2015). Setting formative assessments in real-world contexts to facilitate self-regulated learning. Educational Research For Policy And Practice, 14(2), 169-187.
  29. Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Cuernavaca (2015). Innovation Week [Canal de Youtube]. Recuperado de:
  30. Tecnológico de Monterrey (2015b). ¡Arrancamos #Semanai! [Canal de Youtube del Tecnológico de Monterrey]. Recuperado de:
  31. World Economic Forum (2015). New Vision for Education: Unlocki

Imágenes y otros recursosTérmino introducido por Le Boterf, entendido como los conocimientos, procedimientos y actitudes que es preciso emplear para resolver una situación. Unos son recursos internos, que posee la persona, tales como conocimientos, procedimientos y actitudes; otros son externos, como todo aquello (ordenador, diccionario, compañero, etc.) a lo que se puede acudir para resolver exitosamente una situación.

  1. Freepik (2015). Workspace in cartoon style. Diseñado por, Graphic Resources LCC. Recuperado de:
  2. Freepik (2015). Infographic timeline. Diseñado por, Graphic Resources LCC. Recuperado de: h
  3. Freepik (2015). Racing cars pack. Diseñado por, Graphic Resources LCC. Recuperado de:
  4. Freepik (2015). Open book infographic. Diseñado por, Graphic Resources LCC. Recuperado de:
  5. Freepik (2015). winner jump. Diseñado por, Graphic Resources LCC. Recuperado de:
  6. Freepik (2015). Business tree infographic. Diseñado por, Graphic Resources LCC. Recuperado de: aphic&page=1&position=34
  7. Freepik (2015). Colorful banners infographic with a ladder. Diseñado por, Graphic Resources LCC. Recuperado de:
  8. Freepik (2015). Briefcase frontal view. Flaticon. Recuperado de:
  9. Freepik (2015). Settings work tool. Flaticon. Recuperado de:
  10. Freepik (2015). Full test tube. Flaticon. Recuperado de:
  11. Freepik (2015). Keyboard rotated. Flaticon. Recuperado de:
  12. Freepik (2015). Man jumping with opened legs from one point to other. Recuperado de:
  13. Freepik (2015). Black hand speaker. Flaticon. Recuperado de:

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