
Stop hand_731.png
This article has been nominated for speedy deletion.
In accordance with the Deletion Policy, an administrator may immediately delete a new article on wikiHow if its contents are patent nonsense, contain profanity, or are highly offensive. If this article does not satisfy any of these criteria, please consider nominating the article for deletion instead. You may also comment on the discussion page for this article. Notice added on {{{date}}}.

Help on Using This Template

Use the {{speedy}} template on new articles whose content may need immediate deletion by an administrator. Articles may only be nominated for speedy deletion if they satisfy one or more of the following criteria:

  • patent, irrefutable nonsense.
  • contains excessive profanity that cannot be easily edited.
  • highly offensive topics that generally have no hope of reaching a suitable status at wikiHow.

This tag should not be used on older, more established articles on wikiHow. If such an article merits deletion, then it should be nominated for deletion instead.

Note that the date will automatically be filled when you enter the tag. You do not need to add an additional parameter (i.e. "date=") to the tag.

See the wikiHow:Deletion-Policy#Speedy_Deletions for additional information on speedy deletions.

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