Tengo un codigo de una red neuronal, y cuando le paso las pruebas de vez en cuando me da New recent average error: -nan
. Me imagino que sera algo de un número de tipo "double" fuera de rango o algo asi, cuando me meto en el debugger y veo el valor de la variable double sale 0xfffffffffff
. El codigo es :
// neural-net-tutorial.cpp
// David Miller, http://millermattson.com/dave
// See the associated video for instructions: http://vimeo.com/19569529
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
// Silly class to read training data from a text file -- Replace This.
// Replace class TrainingData with whatever you need to get input data into the
// program, e.g., connect to a database, or take a stream of data from stdin, or
// from a file specified by a command line argument, etc.
class TrainingData
TrainingData(const string filename);
bool isEof(void) { return m_trainingDataFile.eof(); }
void getTopology(vector<unsigned> &topology);
// Returns the number of input values read from the file:
unsigned getNextInputs(vector<double> &inputVals);
unsigned getTargetOutputs(vector<double> &targetOutputVals);
ifstream m_trainingDataFile;
void TrainingData::getTopology(vector<unsigned> &topology)
string line;
string label;
getline(m_trainingDataFile, line);
stringstream ss(line);
ss >> label;
if (this->isEof() || label.compare("topology:") != 0) {
while (!ss.eof()) {
unsigned n;
ss >> n;
TrainingData::TrainingData(const string filename)
unsigned TrainingData::getNextInputs(vector<double> &inputVals)
string line;
getline(m_trainingDataFile, line);
stringstream ss(line);
string label;
ss>> label;
if (label.compare("in:") == 0) {
double oneValue;
while (ss >> oneValue) {
return inputVals.size();
unsigned TrainingData::getTargetOutputs(vector<double> &targetOutputVals)
string line;
getline(m_trainingDataFile, line);
stringstream ss(line);
string label;
ss>> label;
if (label.compare("out:") == 0) {
double oneValue;
while (ss >> oneValue) {
return targetOutputVals.size();
struct Connection
double weight;
double deltaWeight;
class Neuron;
typedef vector<Neuron> Layer;
// ****************** class Neuron ******************
class Neuron
Neuron(unsigned numOutputs, unsigned myIndex);
void setOutputVal(double val) { m_outputVal = val; }
double getOutputVal(void) const { return m_outputVal; }
void feedForward(const Layer &prevLayer);
void calcOutputGradients(double targetVal);
void calcHiddenGradients(const Layer &nextLayer);
void updateInputWeights(Layer &prevLayer);
static double eta; // [0.0..1.0] overall net training rate
static double alpha; // [0.0..n] multiplier of last weight change (momentum)
static double transferFunction(double x);
static double transferFunctionDerivative(double x);
static double randomWeight(void) { return rand() / double(RAND_MAX); }
double sumDOW(const Layer &nextLayer) const;
double m_outputVal;
vector<Connection> m_outputWeights;
unsigned m_myIndex;
double m_gradient;
double Neuron::eta = 0.15; // overall net learning rate, [0.0..1.0]
double Neuron::alpha = 0.5; // momentum, multiplier of last deltaWeight, [0.0..1.0]
void Neuron::updateInputWeights(Layer &prevLayer)
// The weights to be updated are in the Connection container
// in the neurons in the preceding layer
for (unsigned n = 0; n < prevLayer.size(); ++n) {
Neuron &neuron = prevLayer[n];
double oldDeltaWeight = neuron.m_outputWeights[m_myIndex].deltaWeight;
double newDeltaWeight =
// Individual input, magnified by the gradient and train rate:
* neuron.getOutputVal()
* m_gradient
// Also add momentum = a fraction of the previous delta weight;
+ alpha
* oldDeltaWeight;
neuron.m_outputWeights[m_myIndex].deltaWeight = newDeltaWeight;
neuron.m_outputWeights[m_myIndex].weight += newDeltaWeight;
double Neuron::sumDOW(const Layer &nextLayer) const
double sum = 0.0;
// Sum our contributions of the errors at the nodes we feed.
for (unsigned n = 0; n < nextLayer.size() - 1; ++n) {
sum += m_outputWeights[n].weight * nextLayer[n].m_gradient;
return sum;
void Neuron::calcHiddenGradients(const Layer &nextLayer)
double dow = sumDOW(nextLayer);
m_gradient = dow * Neuron::transferFunctionDerivative(m_outputVal);
void Neuron::calcOutputGradients(double targetVal)
double delta = targetVal - m_outputVal;
m_gradient = delta * Neuron::transferFunctionDerivative(m_outputVal);
double Neuron::transferFunction(double x)
// tanh - output range [-1.0..1.0]
return tanh(x);
double Neuron::transferFunctionDerivative(double x)
// tanh derivative
return 1.0 - x * x;
void Neuron::feedForward(const Layer &prevLayer)
double sum = 0.0;
// Sum the previous layer's outputs (which are our inputs)
// Include the bias node from the previous layer.
for (unsigned n = 0; n < prevLayer.size(); ++n) {
sum += prevLayer[n].getOutputVal() *
m_outputVal = Neuron::transferFunction(sum);
Neuron::Neuron(unsigned numOutputs, unsigned myIndex)
for (unsigned c = 0; c < numOutputs; ++c) {
m_outputWeights.back().weight = randomWeight();
m_myIndex = myIndex;
// ****************** class Net ******************
class Net
Net(const vector<unsigned> &topology);
void feedForward(const vector<double> &inputVals);
void backProp(const vector<double> &targetVals);
void getResults(vector<double> &resultVals) const;
double getRecentAverageError(void) const { return m_recentAverageError; }
vector<Layer> m_layers; // m_layers[layerNum][neuronNum]
double m_error;
double m_recentAverageError;
static double m_recentAverageSmoothingFactor;
double Net::m_recentAverageSmoothingFactor = 100.0; // Number of training samples to average over
void Net::getResults(vector<double> &resultVals) const
for (unsigned n = 0; n < m_layers.back().size() - 1; ++n) {
void Net::backProp(const vector<double> &targetVals)
// Calculate overall net error (RMS of output neuron errors)
Layer &outputLayer = m_layers.back();
m_error = 0.0;
for (unsigned n = 0; n < outputLayer.size() - 1; ++n) {
double delta = targetVals[n] - outputLayer[n].getOutputVal();
m_error += delta * delta;
m_error /= outputLayer.size() - 1; // get average error squared
m_error = sqrt(m_error); // RMS
// Implement a recent average measurement
m_recentAverageError =
(m_recentAverageError * m_recentAverageSmoothingFactor + m_error)
/ (m_recentAverageSmoothingFactor + 1.0);
// Calculate output layer gradients
for (unsigned n = 0; n < outputLayer.size() - 1; ++n) {
// Calculate hidden layer gradients
for (unsigned layerNum = m_layers.size() - 2; layerNum > 0; --layerNum) {
Layer &hiddenLayer = m_layers[layerNum];
Layer &nextLayer = m_layers[layerNum + 1];
for (unsigned n = 0; n < hiddenLayer.size(); ++n) {
// For all layers from outputs to first hidden layer,
// update connection weights
for (unsigned layerNum = m_layers.size() - 1; layerNum > 0; --layerNum) {
Layer &layer = m_layers[layerNum];
Layer &prevLayer = m_layers[layerNum - 1];
for (unsigned n = 0; n < layer.size() - 1; ++n) {
void Net::feedForward(const vector<double> &inputVals)
assert(inputVals.size() == m_layers[0].size() - 1);
// Assign (latch) the input values into the input neurons
for (unsigned i = 0; i < inputVals.size(); ++i) {
// forward propagate
for (unsigned layerNum = 1; layerNum < m_layers.size(); ++layerNum) {
Layer &prevLayer = m_layers[layerNum - 1];
for (unsigned n = 0; n < m_layers[layerNum].size() - 1; ++n) {
Net::Net(const vector<unsigned> &topology)
unsigned numLayers = topology.size();
for (unsigned layerNum = 0; layerNum < numLayers; ++layerNum) {
unsigned numOutputs = layerNum == topology.size() - 1 ? 0 : topology[layerNum + 1];
// We have a new layer, now fill it with neurons, and
// add a bias neuron in each layer.
for (unsigned neuronNum = 0; neuronNum <= topology[layerNum]; ++neuronNum) {
m_layers.back().push_back(Neuron(numOutputs, neuronNum));
cout << "Made a Neuron!" << endl;
// Force the bias node's output to 1.0 (it was the last neuron pushed in this layer):
void showVectorVals(string label, vector<double> &v)
cout << label << " ";
for (unsigned i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
cout << v[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
int main()
TrainingData trainData("/tmp/trainingData.txt");
// e.g., { 3, 2, 1 }
vector<unsigned> topology;
Net myNet(topology);
vector<double> inputVals, targetVals, resultVals;
int trainingPass = 0;
while (!trainData.isEof()) {
cout << endl << "Pass " << trainingPass;
// Get new input data and feed it forward:
if (trainData.getNextInputs(inputVals) != topology[0]) {
showVectorVals(": Inputs:", inputVals);
// Collect the net's actual output results:
showVectorVals("Outputs:", resultVals);
// Train the net what the outputs should have been:
showVectorVals("Targets:", targetVals);
assert(targetVals.size() == topology.back());
// Report how well the training is working, average over recent samples:
cout << "Net recent average error: "
<< myNet.getRecentAverageError() << endl;
cout << endl << "Done" << endl;
El fichero al que hace referencia para recoger las muestras es el resultado del siguiente codigo :
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main(){
cout <<"topology: 2 4 1"<<endl;
for(int i =2000; i>=0;--i){
int n1 =(int)(2.0*rand()/double(RAND_MAX));
int n2 =(int)(2.0*rand()/double(RAND_MAX));
int t = n1 ^ n2;
cout <<"in: "<<n1 << ".0 "<<n2 <<".0 "<<endl;
cout <<"out: "<<t<<".0"<<endl;