
Scientific classification
Mesoplasma Tully et al. 1993[1]
  • Mesoplasma chauliocola Tully et al. 1994
  • Mesoplasma coleopterae Tully et al. 1994
  • Mesoplasma corruscae Tully et al. 1994
  • Mesoplasma entomophilum (Tully et al. 1988) Tully et al. 1993
  • Mesoplasma florum (McCoy et al. 1984) Tully et al. 1993
  • Mesoplasma grammopterae Tully et al. 1994
  • Mesoplasma lactucae (Rose et al. 1990) Tully et al. 1993
  • Mesoplasma photuris Tully et al. 1994
  • Mesoplasma pleciae Tully et al. 1994
  • Mesoplasma seiffertii (Bonnet et al. 1991) Tully et al. 1993
  • Mesoplasma syrphidae Tully et al. 1994
  • Mesoplasma tabanidae Tully et al. 1994

Mesoplasma is a genus of bacteria belonging to the class Mollicutes. Mesoplasma is related to the genus Mycoplasma but differ in several respects.[2]

See also


  1. Tully, J. G.; Bove, J. M.; Laigret, F.; Whitcomb, R. F. (1993). "Notes: Revised Taxonomy of the Class Mollicutes: Proposed Elevation of a Monophyletic Cluster of Arthropod-Associated Mollicutes to Ordinal Rank (Entomoplasmatales ord. Nov.), with Provision for Familial Rank to Separate Species with Nonhelical Morphology (Entomoplasmataceae fam. Nov.) from Helical Species (Spiroplasmataceae), and Emended Descriptions of the Order Mycoplasmatales, Family Mycoplasmataceae". International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology. 43 (2): 378–385. doi:10.1099/00207713-43-2-378.
  2. Pollack, JD; Williams, MV; Banzon, J; Jones, MA; Harvey, L; Tully, JG (1996). "Comparative metabolism of Mesoplasma, Entomoplasma, Mycoplasma, and Acholeplasma". International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology. 46 (4): 885–890. doi:10.1099/00207713-46-4-885. PMID 8863414.

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