
Nostoc commune
Nostoc commune
Scientific classification
Domain: Bacteria
Phylum: Cyanobacteria
Class: Cyanophyceae
Order: Nostocales
Family: Nostocaceae
Genus: Nostoc
Vaucher, 1888, ex Bornet and Flahaul
  • Nostoc agglutinans Meneghini ex Kützing, 1849
  • Nostoc alatosporum Sant'Anna et al., 2007
  • Nostoc album N.L.Gardner, 1927
  • Nostoc alpinum Kützing, 1843
  • Nostoc ambiceps C.-C.Jao, 1940
  • Nostoc amplissimum Setchell, 1899
  • Nostoc anisococcum Sprengel, 1827
  • Nostoc antarcticum West & G.S.West, 1911
  • Nostoc apuanum De Notaris, 1869
  • Nostoc arctum Kützing, 1847
  • Nostoc arenarium Desmazières, 1865
  • Nostoc austinii H.C.Wood, 1873
  • Nostoc belmonticum C.G.M.Archibald, 1967
  • Nostoc bicalyptratum Skuja, 1937
  • Nostoc bornetii Gain, 1911
  • Nostoc borzioides S.Skinner & T.J.Entwisle, 2002
  • Nostoc brittoni N.L.Gardner, 1927
  • Nostoc caeruleum Lyngbye ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  • Nostoc caladarium H.C.Wood, 1868
  • Nostoc calcicola Brébisson ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  • Nostoc carneum C.Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  • Nostoc catenatum P.J.L.Dangeard, 1949
  • Nostoc cesatii Balsamo, 1863
  • Nostoc ciniflonum Tournefort ex Bornet, 1880
  • Nostoc citrisporum Prasad & Mehrotra, 1976
  • Nostoc coimbatorense Laloraya & Mitra, 1974
  • Nostoc comminutum Kützing, 1850
  • Nostoc commune Vaucher ex Bornet & Flahault, 1888
  • Nostoc conglomeratum Hirose, 1962
  • Nostoc copiosum Kogan & Jazkulieva, 1972
  • Nostoc cordubense C.H.Prosperi, 1985
  • Nostoc crassisporum Meneghini, 1837
  • Nostoc crassisporum Geitler, 1933
  • Nostoc cristatum Bailey, 1847
  • Nostoc cycadae Maruyama & Fukushima, 1963
  • Nostoc delpinoi Borzì, 1878
  • Nostoc depressum H.C.Wood, 1873
  • Nostoc desertorum Reháková & Johansen, 2007
  • Nostoc diamorphoticum Itzigsohn, 1857
  • Nostoc diplonema Montagne, 1857
  • Nostoc disciforme F.E.Fritsch, 1912
  • Nostoc edaphicum Kondrateva, 1962
  • Nostoc edule Montagne & Berkeley ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  • Nostoc elgonense Naumann, 1925
  • Nostoc ellipsoideum N.L.Gardner, 1927
  • Nostoc ellipsosporum Rabenhorst ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  • Nostoc endophytum Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  • Nostoc epilithicum Ercegovic, 1925
  • Nostoc expansum Harvey & Bailey, 1851
  • Nostoc filarzskyi G.De Toni, 1936
  • Nostoc flagelliforme Harvey ex Molinari-Novoa, Calvo-Pérez & Guiry, 2016
  • Nostoc flavicans Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1827
  • Nostoc fluviatile Liljeblad, 1816
  • Nostoc foliaceum Mougeot ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  • Nostoc fonticola Brabez, 1941
  • Nostoc fragiforme (Roth) Brébisson, 1870
  • Nostoc fuscescens F.E.Fritsch, 1912
  • Nostoc fuscum Kützing, 1863
  • Nostoc gelatinosum Schousboe ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  • Nostoc ghotgewadense G.R.Hegde & K.Somanna, 1992
  • Nostoc glomeratum Kützing, 1850
  • Nostoc granulare (Kützing) Rabenhorst, 1865
  • Nostoc gregarium Thuret ex Kützing, 1849
  • Nostoc gymnosphaericum Kützing, 1843
  • Nostoc hatei S.C.Dixit, 1936
  • Nostoc heterothrix Zeller, 1873
  • Nostoc humifusum Carmichael ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  • Nostoc hyalinum Roemer, 1845
  • Nostoc hyalinum A.W.Bennett, 1886
  • Nostoc hydrocoleoides Reinsch, 1876
  • Nostoc imperfectum Schwabe & El Ayouty, 1966
  • Nostoc indistinguendum Reháková & J.R.Johansen, 2007
  • Nostoc insulare Borzì, 1907
  • Nostoc interbryum Sant'Anna et al., 2007
  • Nostoc intestinale G.S.An, 1992
  • Nostoc inundatum Kützing, 1843
  • Nostoc kihlmanii Lemmermann, 1900
  • Nostoc koraiense G.S.An, 1990
  • Nostoc krishnamurthyi S.Chandra, 2005
  • Nostoc lacerum Kützing, 1843
  • Nostoc lacunosum Montagne, 1850
  • Nostoc lacustre Kützing, 1843
  • Nostoc leptonema Reinsch, 1876
  • Nostoc letestui Frémy, 1930
  • Nostoc lichenoides Vaucher ex Reháková & J.R.Johansen, 2007
  • Nostoc limosum Zeller, 1873
  • Nostoc linckia Bornet ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  • Nostoc littorale Kützing, 1842
  • Nostoc locularis G.S.An, 1992
  • Nostoc longstaffi F.E.Fritsch, 1912
  • Nostoc lophotelos G.S.An, 1992
  • Nostoc maculiforme Bornet & Flahault, 1888
  • Nostoc mamillosum C.-C.Jao, 1940
  • Nostoc margaritaceum (Kützing) Rabenhorst, 1865
  • Nostoc membranaceum N.L.Gardner, 1927
  • Nostoc microscopicum Carmichael ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  • Nostoc microtis Montagne, 1839
  • Nostoc minimum Currey, 1858
  • Nostoc minutissimum Kützing ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  • Nostoc minutum Desmazières ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  • Nostoc molle C.Agardh, 1827
  • Nostoc mougeotii Brébisson ex Kützing, 1849
  • Nostoc myriococcum Montagne, 1857
  • Nostoc nivale Kützing, 1849
  • Nostoc notarisii Franzoni, 1865
  • Nostoc nylstromicum Claassen, 1961
  • Nostoc opalinum A.W.Bennett, 1890
  • Nostoc oryzae (F.E.Fritsch) J.Komárek & K.Anagnostidis, 1989
  • Nostoc palmelioides Kützing
  • Nostoc paludosum Kützing ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  • Nostoc papillosum Kurz, 1870
  • Nostoc paradoxum Welwitsch ex West & G.S.West, 1897
  • Nostoc parietinum Rabenhorst, 1863
  • Nostoc parmelioides Kützing ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  • Nostoc parvulum C.-C.Jao, 1940
  • Nostoc passerinianum Bornet & Thuret ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  • Nostoc pellucidum Kützing, 1843
  • Nostoc peloponnesiacum Kützing, 1849
  • Nostoc peltigerae Letellier, 1918
  • Nostoc polysaccum Reinsch, 1876
  • Nostoc polysporum Reinsch, 1876
  • Nostoc prismaticum Cesati, 1865
  • Nostoc pruniforme C.Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  • Nostoc pseudogelatinosum Claassen, 1961
  • Nostoc punctatum H.C.Wood, 1873
  • Nostoc punctiforme Hariot, 1891
  • Nostoc purpurascens Kützing, 1843
  • Nostoc purpureum Dickie, 1874
  • Nostoc ramosum Ercegovic, 1925
  • Nostoc repandum West & G.S.West, 1897
  • Nostoc reticulatum Roussel, 1806
  • Nostoc riabuschinskii Elenkin, 1914
  • Nostoc rupestre Kützing, 1849
  • Nostoc salsum Kützing, 1843
  • Nostoc saxatile Zeller, 1873
  • Nostoc segawae Okada, 1932
  • Nostoc sergianum Borzì, 1892
  • Nostoc shensiense C.C.Jao, 1948
  • Nostoc simulans N.L.Gardner, 1927
  • Nostoc sinuatum G.S.An, 1992
  • Nostoc sphaericum Vaucher ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  • Nostoc sphaeroides Kützing ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  • Nostoc sphaerosporum N.L.Gardner, 1927
  • Nostoc spinosum Tiwari, 1979
  • Nostoc subtilissimum Reinsch, 1890
  • Nostoc symbioticum F.V.Wettstein, 1915
  • Nostoc tenax Thuret, 1874
  • Nostoc tenuissimum (Kützing) Rabenhorst, 1865
  • Nostoc thermophilum Vouk, 1916
  • Nostoc thermotolerans Suradkar, 2017
  • Nostoc tibeticum C.-C.Jao & Y.Y.Lee, 1974
  • Nostoc torulosum Hirose, 1962
  • Nostoc trentepohlii Mohr, 1806
  • Nostoc tuberculosum Kützing, 1843
  • Nostoc undulatum Archibald, 1967
  • Nostoc vaillantii Behre, 1953
  • Nostoc variegatum Moore, 1841
  • Nostoc verrucosum Vaucher ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886
  • Nostoc vesicarium A.B.Frank, 1886
  • Nostoc viride Sant'Anna et al., 2007
  • Nostoc vulgare Schrank, 1812
  • Nostoc wartisporum Prasad et al., 1977
  • Nostoc wichmannii Weber-van Bosse, 1913
  • Nostoc willei N.L.Gardner, 1927
  • Nostoc wollnyanum Richter, 1884
  • Nostoc zetterstedtii Areschoug ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886

Nostoc, also known as star jelly, troll’s butter, witch's butter (not to be confused with witches' butter), and witch’s jelly, is a genus of cyanobacteria found in various environments that forms colonies composed of filaments of moniliform cells in a gelatinous sheath.

The name Nostoc was coined by Paracelsus.[1]

Nostoc can be found in soil, on moist rocks, at the bottom of lakes and springs (both fresh- and saltwater), and rarely in marine habitats. It may also grow symbiotically within the tissues of plants, providing nitrogen to its host through the action of terminally differentiated cells known as heterocysts. These bacteria contain photosynthetic pigments in their cytoplasm to perform photosynthesis.


Nostoc is a member of the family Nostocaceae of the order Nostocales. Species include (see collapsed list on the right for full listing) :

Nonscientific nomenclature

When it is on the ground, a Nostoc colony is ordinarily not seen, but after a rain, it swells up into a conspicuous, jellylike mass, which was once thought to have fallen from the sky, hence the popular names, star jelly, troll’s butter, witch's butter (not to be confused with the fungus Tremella mesenterica), and witch’s jelly.

Culinary use

Containing protein and vitamin C,[4] Nostoc species are cultivated and consumed as a foodstuff, primarily in Asia. The species N. flagelliforme and N. commune are consumed in China, where it was used to survive famines. The preferred variety in Central Asia is N. ellipsosporum.



  1. Potts, M. (1997). "Etymology of the Genus Name Nostoc (Cyanobacteria)" (PDF). International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology. 47 (2): 584. doi:10.1099/00207713-47-2-584. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2013-08-11. Retrieved 2011-11-05.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 Mollenhauer, Dieter; Bengtsson, Roland; Lindstrøm, Eli-Anne (1999). "Macroscopic cyanobacteria of the genus Nostoc: a neglected and endangered constituent of European inland aquatic biodiversity". European Journal of Phycology. 34 (4): 349–360. doi:10.1080/09670269910001736412.
  3. Abbott, I. A. (1989). "Food and food products from seaweeds". In Lembi, C. A.; Waaland, J. R. (eds.). Algae and human affairs. Cambridge University Press, Phycological Society of America. p. 141. ISBN 978-0-521-32115-0.
  4. Deane, Green (2011-08-31). "Nostoc Num Nums". Eat The Weeds and other things, too. Archived from the original on 2019-01-31. Retrieved 2019-02-20.

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