How can i set up my pi zero, so that if I plug it in, it runs a python program, without having to login etc?

The project goal is a device that plays an audio file on the push of a hardware button. I would use another hardware button to safely shutdown. My question is: How do I configure the pi so that i can plug it back in, it boots up itself and runs the program without having to use ssh or a keyboard and monitor to login. Can i do that using raspbian or is there maybe a 'lighter' OS that is made for use cases like this one?

thanks in advance!

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    You can automatically run a script on boot up, but it will not do a long time because you unplug the RasPi without a graceful shutdown. This will corrupt the operating system after several interruptions. – Ingo Jan 05 '21 at 09:57
  • I would use a hardware button to safely shutdown. – Anton Jan 05 '21 at 10:46
  • Please add this information to your question. – Ingo Jan 05 '21 at 10:57

2 Answers2


check this link

this was helpful for me I could autostart qt application on a raspberry pi os lite so I think you can run your python program

you just need to create a .service file in the /etc/systemd/system

cd /etc/systemd/system
sudo nano application_one.service

Description=Qt application autostart



edit this file then enable this service

sudo systemctl enable application_one.service

reboot and you will have an autostart of your application

for that you have to remove the login prompt

sudo systemctl disable getty@tty1
sudo systemctl mask plymouth-start.service
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My question is: How do I configure the pi so that i can plug it back in, it boots up itself and runs the program without having to use ssh or a keyboard and monitor to login.

You don't have to do anything to the RPi to have it start (boot) when power is connected - this is the way it works!

You can use cron to start a Python program upon startup - this is very simple. Use the terminal (via SSH if necessary) and Command Line Interface (CLI) as follows:

1. Take care of two (2) prerequisites

Once you are logged in as default user pi, you are presented with a terminal screen in the bash shell. You will see a prompt similar to the one shown below indicating where to begin your input.

pi@raspberrypi4b:~ $

  • You must know the location of your program - full path specification; e.g. /home/pi/MyPythonProgram.py

  • Your program must be marked as executable; you can ensure the program is executable with this command:

    pi@raspberrypi4b:~ $ chmod a+x /home/pi/MyPythonProgram.py

2. Open your crontabfor editing:

At the bash prompt (pi@raspberrypi4b:~ $ ), open your crontab for editing (choose nano as your default editor if asked):

$ crontab -e

Your default crontab will open in the nano editor.

3. "Schedule" your program to start each time the RPi boots:

Move the "insertion point" in nano just below any existing text in crontab, and type the following:

@reboot (sleep 20; /home/pi/MyPythonProgram.py) >> /home/pi/logmyprogram.txt 2>&1

Here's what this does:

  • @reboot simply instructs cron to execute the following commands each time the system boots.
  • sleep 20 waits 20 seconds after cron is started before it starts your program
  • your program (assumed to be /home/pi/MyPythonProgram.py) is started
  • any output or errors (stdout or stderr, 2>&1) from your program are re-directed (>>) to a file: /home/pi/logmyprogram.txt

sleep and the redirect are often useful in running cron jobs. sleep provides additional time for all system resources to get started (e.g. networking services). redirect (>>) is useful as your interactive shell won't be available to receive any output or error messages - instead, they will be written to the logfile you choose.

4. Test

Reboot your system (sudo reboot at the shell prompt). Review the logfile for any mesages.

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