I have image of raspberry at 128 GB pendrive ( :'( )

and i don't have free space in this moment at my desktop for 128 GB image.

normally i have coppied with steps

sudo dd bs=4M if=/dev/sdc of=pi.img

and after

sudo pishrink.sh pi.img

Is it possible to unzip ( i have zipped before raspi image ) and pi shrink at that same command?

2 Answers2


There's a tutorial on using pishrink.sh, and the README on the pishrink GitHub site.

As an unsolicited comment:

You shouldn't be making backup (or re-distributable) images of your SD card with dd. Why?

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possible to unzip ( i have zipped before raspi image ) and pi shrink at that same command

It's pretty clear looking at the github README for pishrink that it's working on the individual partitions in the image by first mounting them. It can't do that in a pipeline, so the whole image has to exist somewhere first.

Ie., You do need a complete image before you can run pishrink.

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