I'm facing exactly the same issue as posted here (Wifi to ethernet bridge on a RPi 1B(+) with proxy arp, unfortunately, the issue was not resolved.

I followed the ♦ Static configuration of proxy arp steps from Ingo: Workaround for a wifi bridge on a Raspberry Pi with proxy arp

At reboot I get the following output from journalctl -b -e: parprouted.service: Can't open PID file /run/parprouted.pid (yet?) after start: No such file or directory. The wired device seems to get some sort of connection, but it drops out every 5 seconds or so.

Unfortunately, I can not get the alternative ♦ PROXY ARP WITH SUBNETTING (recommended) to work either. (enx interface does not come 'up'. Tested with my laptop wired to the Pi)

The Pi and Chromecast are built into a metal frame with one external USB socket, wired to the Pi. I have placed a USB Wifi dongle so the Pi has good reception. I do require an internet connection on the Pi. The connection should also be forwarded to the Eth port, on which I have installed a Chromecast Ultra (so its wired). Chromecast has to be visible on the main network.

Lastly, it would be nice to have a local AP for easy access (and fallback) to the Pi, no internet connection is required on this interface.

The interfaces (eth0, wlan0, wlan1) have predictable names (MAC) setup in 99-default.link (enx... , wlx..., wlx...) so wlan0 and wlan1 do not get switched upon reboots.

My situation:

        from rpi)     
    Service    wifi     ┌──────┐
  interface <.~.~.~.~.> │wlx...│              wifi uplink         wan
 192.168.2.x            │      │RPi(wlx.....) <.~.~.~.~.> router <───> INTERNET
                        |      | 192.168.1.x
                        |      |       \
   Chromecast<────────> |enx...│╲       ╲
           ╲    wired   └──────┘╱      (dhcp
         (dhcp                      from router)
       from router)       

Hope this makes my situation clear, looking forward to hearing how this situation can be configured. Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Turns out parprouted.service was still running, while attempting the subnetting option. Disabled the parprouted.service. After that, subnetting works.

However; Chromecast is not discovered on the network. I have tried forwarding the specific chromecast ports (8008-8009 and 32768-61000) on my router to the chromecast IP, but no success. Chromecast can be configured through Google Home app, but warns that it is on another network.


Martijn B
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