I'm sorry to say that I'm a complete newbie to linux and Raspberry Pi. I installed Raspbian on my pi years ago and just started working with it again.

I'm trying to install kodi on my system but after the regular install via apt-get and trying to start I get "error while loading shared libraries: libmmal_core.so: cannot open shared objekt file: No such file or directory".

I've tried about everything I could find online; can't seem to find anything though. Here https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=51925&p=415168 was an idea I wasn't able to try out simply because I had no idea what the guy in the last post was talking about.

Any help? The file cannot only not be found but doesn't exist at all.

Steve Robillard
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2 Answers2


You need to determine:

  1. If the library is present (it should be).

    The path is /opt/vc/lib. If that's not there or doesn't contain that library, run sudo rpi-update and make sure it at some point says "Updating VideoCore libraries".

  2. If the library is in the linker path (it should be).

    For this:

    ldconfig -p | grep libmmal

    You should see it listed. If not

    echo /opt/vc/lib > pi_vc_core.conf
    sudo chown root.root pi_vc_core.conf
    sudo mv pi_vc_core.conf /etc/ld.so.conf
    sudo ldconfig
    ldconfig -p | grep libmmal

    It should be there now.

  3. What kodi actually links to.

    I believe the binary is in a weird spot because it's started via a script. Try:

    ldd /usr/lib/kodi/kodi.bin

    What you don't want to see there is ????? after libmmal_core.so. =>

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  • THANK YOU! It took me hours without results and the only problem was the rpi-update... I was close to redoing the whole OS. Probably should have done that... Now I'm not getting that problem anymore but just nothing happens after I type in "kodi". Guess I can take it from there though. Thanks again! – Exxi Aug 04 '15 at 17:37
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    Problem solved; used tightVNC and that one doesn't stream kodi. Just to leave that here – Exxi Aug 04 '15 at 18:12

For me the solution was simply installing libraspberrypi0:

sudo apt-get install libraspberrypi0

Note that rpi-update shouldn't be necessary nowadays, as updates are included in raspberrypi-kernel and raspberrypi-bootloader.

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