I've just set up a Raspberry Pi Zero W - my first Raspberry Pi. I've loaded Raspbian into it without trouble, but I can't connect it to WiFi. It can find my home network easily, and lets me key in my network password, but there's no response - no connection, no error message. It just doesn't connect.

What am I doing wrong? Is there some network setting I need to change?

This doesn't seem to be the same as setting up headless networking - I've followed the instructions from the Foundation Guidelines, namely selecting the network and keying in the password - but it's just not connecting. I've been advised to check if I have N2 Network Interface...can someone explain how to check that?

  • 1
    Is your wifi 2.4GHz ? – CoderMike Jan 15 '19 at 20:26
  • I think so. Never had any issues connecting phones and laptops to it. – Lucen Dacier Jan 15 '19 at 20:45
  • phones and laptops for many years have 5GHz wifi - so that proves nothing - however, since your Pi "finds" the network, then there's no doubt it's a 2.4GHz one ... I take it you are using full raspbian and use some desktop thing to connect to wifi (forgive my ignorance, never ever used a pi as a Desktop) – Jaromanda X Jan 15 '19 at 22:20
  • Yeah, I plug the Pi into a TV and use the desktop from Raspian to try connecting to WiFi. – Lucen Dacier Jan 15 '19 at 22:24
  • I don't think so. That thread directed me to the Foundation Guidelines, which only told me to select the network and then type in the password. That's what I've been doing - it just doesn't connect afterwards. Someone else has suggested I confirm I have N2 Network Interface. I'm a beginner, so I don't know what that is. Can anyone explain? – Lucen Dacier Jan 15 '19 at 23:57

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