13th European Film Awards

The 13th European Film Awards were given on 2 December 2000 in Paris, France.[1]

The 13th European Film Awards
Date2 December 2000
LocationParis, France
Presented byEuropean Film Academy

Winners and nominees

Best European Actor

Spain Sergi López - Harry, He's Here to Help (Harry un ami qui vous veut du bien)

Best European Actress

Iceland Björk - Dancer in the Dark

Best European Cinematographer

Italy Vittorio Storaro - Goya in Bordeaux (Goya en Burdeos)

Best European Film

English title Original title Director(s) Country

Dancer in the Dark
Lars von TrierDenmark
Billy ElliotStephen DaldryUnited Kingdom
Chicken RunPeter Lord, Nick ParkUnited Kingdom
Harry, He's Here to HelpHarry, un ami qui vous veut du bienDominik MollFrance
The Taste of OthersLe Goût des autresAgnès JaouiFrance
Bread and TulipsPane e tulipaniSilvio SoldiniItaly
FaithlessTrolösaLiv UllmannSweden

Best European Screenwriter

Agnès Jaoui and Jean-Pierre Bacri - The Taste of Others (Le goût des autres)

Best Documentary

Year English title Original title Director(s) Country
The Gleaners and I[2]Les glaneurs et la glaneuseAgnès VardaFrance
Calle 54Fernando TruebaSpain
GulagGoulagIossif Pasternak, Hélène ChâtelainFrance
Home GameHeimspielPepe DanquartGermany
One Day in September±-Kevin MacdonaldUnited Kingdom
Working Women of the WorldOuvrières du mondeMarie-France CollardFrance


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