1619 in music

The year 1619 in music involved some significant events.

List of years in music (table)


  • none listed


  • Paolo AgostiniSalmi della Madonna, Magnificat a 3. voci, hinno Ave Maris Stella, antifone a una 2. & 3. voci, et motetti tutti concertati..., book 1 (Rome: Luca Antonio Soldi)
  • Gregorio Allegri – Second book of concertini for two, three, and four voices (Rome: Luca Antonio Soldi)
  • Giovanni Francesco Anerio
    • Teatro armonico spirituale di madrigali (Rome: Giovanni Battista Robletti), a collection of oratorios
    • La bella Clori armonica (Rome: Luca Antonio Soldi), a collection of arias, canzonettas, and madrigals
    • Ghirlanda di sacre rose (A Garland of sacred roses) (Rome: Luca Antonio Soldi), a collection of motets for five voices
  • Adriano BanchieriSacra armonia for four voices, Op. 41 (Venice: Gardano)
  • Valerio BonaOtto ordini di letanie della Madonna che si cantano ogni sabbato nella Santa Casa di Loreto for two choirs (Venice: Giacomo Vincenti)
  • Antonio Brunelli – 3 Requiem masses for four and seven voices, Op. 14 (Venice: Giacomo Vincenti), also includes Improperia for six voices and a Miserere for four voices
  • Sulpitia CesisMotetti Spirituale for eight voices (Modena: Giuliano Cassiani)
  • Antonio Cifra
    • First book of masses (Rome: Luca Antonio Soldi)
    • Motecta ex sacris cantionibus for two, three, and four voices (Rome: Luca Antonio Soldi)
    • First and second books of Ricercari e canzoni franzese (Rome: Luca Antonio Soldi)
  • Christoph Demantius
    • Triades Sionae for five, six, seven, and eight voices (Freiberg: Melchior Hoffmann), a collection of introits, masses, and sequences
    • Epithalamion for six voices (Freiberg: Georg Hoffmann), written for the wedding of Augustus Pragern and Martha Lincken
    • Der Herrlichste Brautschmuck for eight voices (Freiberg: Georg Hoffmann), an epithalamium setting text from Chapter Four of the Song of Songs
    • Manet immutabile fatum for eight voices (Freiberg: Georg Hoffmann), an epithalamium
    • Saccharatum conjugiale for eight voices (Freiberg: Georg Hoffmann), an epithalamium setting text from Chapter Twenty-Six of the Book of Sirach
  • Melchior Franck
    • Spanneues lustiges Quodlibet for four voices (Coburg: Kaspar Bertsch), a collection of quodlibets
    • Neues Hochzeitgesang Auß dem 5. Capitel der Sprüche Salomonis for five voices (Coburg: Andreas Forckel), a wedding motet
    • Newes HochzeitGesang Auß den schönen Trostreichen Worten Ose 2. Ich wil mich mit dir verloben in Ewigkeit, for five voices (Coburg: Kaspar Bertsch), a wedding motet
    • Neues Grabgesang (Weil ich nun soll von dannen) for four voices (Coburg: Kaspar Bertsch), a funeral motet
  • Hans Leo HasslerLitaney teütsch (German Litany) for seven voices (Nuremberg: Balthasar Scherff), published posthumously
  • Giovanni Girolamo Kapsberger
    • Second book of villanelle for one, two, and three voices with guitar (Rome: Giovanni Battista Robletti)
    • Third book of villanelle for one, two, and three voices with accompaniment (Rome)
  • Carlo Milanuzzi
    • Sacri rosarum flores for two, three, and four voices, Op. 1 (Venice: Giacomo Vincenti), a collection of motets
    • First book of Vespers psalms for two voices and organ, Op. 2 (Venice: Giacomo Vincenti)
  • Claudio MonteverdiConcerto. Settimo libro di madrigali a sei voci, con altri generi de canti di Claudio Monteverde Maestro di Capella della Serenissima Republica (Seventh Book of madrigals for five voices) (Venice: Bartolomeo Magni for Gardano)
  • Pietro Pace
    • Motetti a quatro, a cinque et a sei voci..., Op. 18 (Venice: Giacomo Vincenti)
    • The eighth book of motets..., Op. 19 (Venice: Giacomo Vincenti)
    • Psalms for eight voices..., Op. 20 (Venice: Alessandro Vincenti)
    • The ninth book of motets..., Op. 21 (Venice: Alessandro Vincenti)
  • Claudio PariIl lamento d'Ariana, fourth book of madrigals for five voices (Palermo: Giovanni Battista Maringo)
  • Georg PatermannVotum nuptiale, for the wedding of Conrad and Catharina Huswedel (Rostock: Joachim Pedanus)
  • Serafino Patta – Psalmi integri cum duobus canticis Beatae Mariae Virginis as Vesperas totius anni, for five voices and organ (Venice: Alessandro Gardano)
  • Michael PraetoriusSyntagma Musicum, part 3
  • Heinrich Schütz Psalmen Davids (Psalms of David)
  • Thomas VautorThe First Set: ... Apt for Vyols or Voyces


  • none listed




  1. Johnston, Gregory S. (2013). A Heinrich Schütz Reader: Letters and Documents in Translation. Oxford University Press. p. 146. ISBN 9780199812219.
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