1766 in Denmark

Events from the year 1766 in Denmark.


  • 1740s
  • 1750s
  • 1760s
  • 1770s
  • 1780s
See also:Other events of 1766
List of years in Denmark



  • 14 January Crown Prince Christian becomes King Christian VII of Denmark.[2]
  • 9 September when Christian VII sells most of the royal holdings on the island of Falster (divided into 10 estates) by auction to make payments on Denmark's sovereign debt
    • Kongens Stubbekøbingjorder (Carlsfelt) is sold to Jørgen Schiønning on behalf of Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel.
    • Corselitze is sold to Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel-,
    • Egensegård (later Valnæsgård is sold to Hans Bergeshagen,
    • Gjedsergaard is sold to Frederik Holck-Winterfeldt-
    • Hvededahl
    • Orupgaard is sold to Christian Hincheldey.
    • Skiørringgaard
    • Slangerup
    • Klodskov (Estate No. 7, later Vennerslund) is sold to Peter Thestrup for 59724 rigsdale.
  • Vesterborg
    • Skørringe os sold to Ole Jensen Stampe.
8 November: First dance of King Christian VII and Caroline Mathilde at Christiansborg Palace






  1. "Frederick V | king of Denmark and Norway". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 18 November 2019.
  2. "Christian VII | Scandinavian king". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 19 September 2019.
  3. Ole Jutesen,ed. Danish Sources for the History of Ghana. Copenhagen: The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 2005
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