1968 in anime


English name Japanese name Type Demographic Regions
Spooky Kitaroゲゲゲの鬼太郎 (GeGeGe no Kitarō)TVShōnenJA
Detective Brat Packわんぱく探偵団 (Wanpaku Tanteidan)TVShōnenJA
The World of Hans Christian Andersenアンデルセン物語 (Andersen Monogatari)MovieFamily, ChildrenJA
Star of the Giants巨人の星 (Kyojin no Hoshi)TVShōnenJA
Animal Oneアニマル1 (Animal 1)TVShōnenJA
Cyborg 009サイボーグ・ゼロ・ゼロ・ナイン (Saibōgu Zero-Zero-Nain)TVShōnen, ShōjoJA
Fight, Pyuta!ファイトだ!! ピュー太 (Fight Da!! Pyuta)TVShōnenJA
Little Miss Akaneあかねちゃん (Akane-chan)TVShōjoJA
The Monster Kid怪物くん (Kaibutsu-kun)TVShōnenJA
The Great Adventure of Horus, Prince of the Sun太陽の王子 ホルスの大冒険 (Taiyō no Ōji Horusu no Daibōken)MovieFamily, ChildrenJA
Spooky Kitaroゲゲゲの鬼太郎 (GeGeGe no Kitarō)MovieShōnenJA
Sasukeサスケ (Sasuke)TVShōnenJA, EU
The Ringleader of the Sunset夕やけ番長 (Yuyake Banchō)JAShōnenNA
Dokachin the Primitive Boyドカチン (Dokachin)TVChildrenJA
Sabu & Ichi's Arrest Warrant佐武と市捕物控 (Sabu to Ichi Torimono Hikae)TVShōnen, SeinenJA
Humanoid Monster Bem妖怪人間ベム (Yōkai Ningen Bemu)TVShōnenJA
Tobimaru and the Nine-tailed Fox九尾の狐と飛丸 (Kyubi no kitsune to Tobimaru)MovieFamily, ChildrenJA
Genesis創世記 (Souseiki)ShortGeneralJA
Dororo: Pilot Filmどろろ パイロットフィルム (Dororo: Pairotto Firumu)SpecialShōnenJA
Love of Kemekoケメ子のLOVE (Kemeko no LOVE)ShortGeneralJA
Two Pikes二匹のサンマ (Ni-hiki no Sanma)ShortGeneralJA
Breaking of Branches is Forbidden花折り (Hana-Ori)ShortGeneralJA
When Grandpa Was a Pirateおじいちゃんが海賊だった頃 (Ojii-chan ga Kaizoku Datta Koro)ShortChildrenJA

See also


  • February 2 - Michael Arias, film director, producer, visual effects artist

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