1977 Indian presidential election

The Election Commission of India held indirect seventh presidential elections of India on 6 August 1977. Even though 37 candidates filed their nominations, 36 of them were rejected, leading to Neelam Sanjiva Reddy being one of the two Presidents of India winning unopposed.[1]

1977 Indian presidential election

6 August 1977
Nominee Neelam Sanjiva Reddy
Party JP
Home state Andhra Pradesh
Electoral vote Unopposed

President before election

Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed

Elected President

Neelam Sanjiva Reddy


After the death of the sitting president, Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, on 11 February 1977,[2][3] the vice-president B. D. Jatti took charge as acting President.[4] An election to the office of President was required to be held within 6 months of the date of the vacancy.

The Electoral College consisted of the members of Lok Sabha (524), Rajya Sabha (232) and 22 state Legislative Assemblies (3776), all together totalling 4532 electors.[4]


The election schedule was announced by the Election Commission of India on 4 July 1977.[4]

S.No. Poll Event Date
1. Last Date for filing nomination 18 July 1977
2. Date for Scrutiny of nomination 19 July 1977
3. Last Date for Withdrawal of nomination 21 July 1977
4. Date of Poll 6 August 1977
5. Date of Counting NA


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