2016 Generali Ladies Linz – Doubles

Raquel Atawo and Abigail Spears are the defending champions, but lost in the semifinals to Anna-Lena Grönefeld and Květa Peschke.

2016 Generali Ladies Linz
ChampionsNetherlands Kiki Bertens
Sweden Johanna Larsson
Runners-upGermany Anna-Lena Grönefeld
Czech Republic Květa Peschke
Score4–6, 6–2, [10–7]

Kiki Bertens and Johanna Larsson won the title, defeating Grönefeld and Peschke in the final, 4–6, 6–2, [10–7].




First round Quarterfinals Semifinals Final
1 United States R Atawo
United States A Spears
6 6
Switzerland X Knoll
Latvia J Ostapenko
3 1 1 United States R Atawo
United States A Spears
6 6
Czech Republic L Kunčíková
Czech Republic K Stuchlá
5 3 United States M Brengle
Germany N Geuer
1 1
United States M Brengle
Germany N Geuer
7 6 1 United States R Atawo
United States A Spears
2 5
3 Germany A-L Grönefeld
Czech Republic K Peschke
6 6 3 Germany A-L Grönefeld
Czech Republic K Peschke
6 7
Germany A Beck
Poland A Rosolska
3 2 3 Germany A-L Grönefeld
Czech Republic K Peschke
6 3 [10]
Switzerland V Golubic
United States N Melichar
7 0 [10] Switzerland V Golubic
United States N Melichar
4 6 [6]
WC Austria S Klemenschits
Switzerland P Schnyder
5 6 [4] 3 Germany A-L Grönefeld
Czech Republic K Peschke
6 2 [7]
Belgium E Mertens
Luxembourg M Minella
2 6 [9] 2 Netherlands K Bertens
Sweden J Larsson
4 6 [10]
Switzerland B Bencic
Belgium K Flipkens
6 3 [11] Switzerland B Bencic
Belgium K Flipkens
5 4
United Kingdom J Rae
United Kingdom A Smith
4 7 [3] 4 Netherlands D Schuurs
Czech Republic R Voráčová
7 6
4 Netherlands D Schuurs
Czech Republic R Voráčová
6 5 [10] 4 Netherlands D Schuurs
Czech Republic R Voráčová
7 3 [7]
Belarus L Marozava
Russia M Melnikova
4 2 2 Netherlands K Bertens
Sweden J Larsson
5 6 [10]
Romania A Mitu
Romania R Olaru
6 6 Romania A Mitu
Romania R Olaru
3 4
WC Romania A Bogdan
Austria B Haas
3 1 2 Netherlands K Bertens
Sweden J Larsson
6 6
2 Netherlands K Bertens
Sweden J Larsson
6 6


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