24th Golden Eagle Awards

The 24th Golden Eagle Awards were held August 31, 2008, in Changsha, Hunan province.[1] Nominees and winners are listed below, winners are in bold.

Television Series

Best Television Series

  • Chuang Guan Dong/闯关东
  • Golden Marriage/金婚
  • Soldiers Sortie/士兵突击
  • A Dream of Youth/恰同学少年
  • Gobi Mother/戈壁母亲
  • Zhou Enlai in Chongqing/周恩来在重庆
  • The Story of Xi Gengtian/喜耕田的故事
  • Stand by Me/奋斗
  • Broken the Jade/玉碎
  • Jinggang Mountain/井冈山
  • Xun Huisheng/荀慧生

Best Mini-series

Best Directing for a Television Series

  • Kang Honglei for Soldiers Sortie

Best Writing for a Television Series

  • Gao Mantang for Chuang Guan Dong

Best Actor in a Television Series

Best Actress in a Television Series

Best Art Direction for a Television Series

  • Zhao Hai for Ming Dynasty 1895

Best Cinematography for a Television Series

  • Wang Bin for Chuang Guan Dong

Best Lighting for a Television Series

  • Dai Jun for Chuang Guan Dong

Favorite Actor

Favorite Actress

Literature & Art Program

Best Literature and Art Program

  • 2008 CCTV New Year's Gala/2008年中央电视台春节联欢晚会
  • 2008 Beijing TV New Year's Gala/2008北京新春大联欢
  • The 6th Golden Eagle Awards Ceremony/第六届中国电视金鹰艺术节颁奖晚会
  • 2007 Vienna New Year's Concert /2007年维也纳新年音乐会
  • 2007 Dancing with Stars/2007舞林盛典
  • 繁花似锦-第十届精神文明建设"五个一工程"颁奖晚会
  • 感动2006——中国十大真情故事评选颁奖晚
  • 鱼跃龙腾——鱼龙百戏2008新春盛宴

Best Directing for a Literature & Art Program

Best Cinematography for a Literature & Art Program

Best Art Direction for a Literature & Art Program

  • Jiangshan for The 6th Golden Eagle Awards Ceremony


Best Television Documentary

  • The Nanjing Massacre/见证南京大屠杀
  • Yuanmingyuan Park/圆明园
  • Saving Prisoners/囚犯生死大转移
  • Six Hundred Years of Kunqu/昆曲六百年
  • Song of Forest/森林之歌
  • Drinking in the Same River/同饮一江水
  • Finding the First Bird/寻找第一只鸟
  • Tax/解读皇粮国税
  • The Story of Zhou Enlai/周恩来的故事
  • Artist Daolang/刀郎乐人

Best Writing and Directing for a Television Documentary

  • Writing & directing group for Ten Years of Hong Kong

Best Cinematography for a Television Documentary

  • Cinematography group for Ten Years of Hong Kong

Children & Teens

Best Animation

  • Olympic Journal of Fuwa/福娃奥运漫游记
  • Little Carp's Adventure/小鲤鱼历险记
  • Old and Young Fool/老呆和小呆
  • Chinese Boy/中华小子
  • Happy Father & Son/哈皮父子
  • One Foot Paradise/独脚乐园

Best Children and Teens Program

  • 2007 Shanghai International Children & Teens Art Festival Opening Gala/2007上海国际少年儿童文化艺术节开幕式晚会
  • Clothes of Love/爱的彩衣
  • Space Journey/太空旅行团


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